Part 5

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*kayden's wolf above but think of him as more fluffy and big!*

Kayden's POV

I decided to add a few more guards around the border but I'm still unsure of how the rogues got past in the first place. I sigh getting a bit frustrated, I've been at this for hours and I was out earlier to take a look myself but ugh. I pinch my noes from stress massaging slightly.

I hear a knock at my door and look over to see Jackson opening it. I looked at him still frustrated with the rogues so I kinda glared at him and gave him a look that said 'what do you want?'

"Thought I'd remind you It's time to go to the Half Moon pack"He said in a bit of a duh tone with a smirk plastered on his face. I'm confused for a second before I register what he just said.

"Oh shit I totally forgot!" My eyes widened as I rushed to put paperwork away but kinda muttered a 'fuck it' as we where going to be late.

I mindlinked some of my best warriors Judy and Kennith to meet me outside the pack house ready to go.
I rushed down the stairs and opened the door seeing them both waiting together while making small conversation, they both looked up as I walked out.

"Ok let's get going or we'll definitely be late" I said and they nodded while we started walking in the direction of the Half Moon pack.
We were going in human form so we don't come off as a threat, a border fight wouldn't be a good start to making an alliance.
The walk there was very quiet and for some odd reason Zander was getting restless as we approached the border.

'Ok let's wait for a patrol to come by and we'll go with them' I mind linked them and received head nods from the three of them.

A bit of time goes by and we're still waiting for a patrol to come by, I'm a bit surprised that they don't have more frequent ones especially seeing how my pack is getting rouges with almost constant guards.
"It's taking a while don't you think? We've been here for over an hour now" Kenneth said getting a bit restless, I gave him a glare and saw Judy smack his head.

"Owww that hurt... can you kiss it better?" She glared at him and rolled her eyes before smiling and turning her head away trying to hide it.

I couldn't hold back my own smile as I watched my friends act like such dorks. They where perfect mates for each other, though it saddened me to think about my own mate who I have yet to find. The thought of not having her made me feel empty like a whole piece of me was missing and incomplete.

I snapped out of my thoughts when I heard rustling in the bushes and saw a patrol of 5 wolves come up growling at us with fur raised.

"I've come to speak to your alpha about the alliance we plan to make with your pack" I said calmly to the bristling wolves. They all calmed down but I could tell they were still tense waiting to see if we'd shift and attack.
One of the wolves nodded to the others and went behind a bush to most likely shift, he came out with a pair of shorts on and walked up close to me without crossing the border.

"I'm Josh and I can take you too our alpha" he kinda snarled the words out. I wasn't in the mood to deal with him for disrespecting an alpha so I just ignored his bad mood.
While we followed Josh, I saw as the other four wolves surround us keeping us contained,

Zander was starting to act a bit weird and I could feel his excitement radiating off him which was distracting towards me. 'Ok dude I don't know why an alliance is so exciting but please try to keep your emotions under control ok?'
I waited for his cheeky comment or something but he kinda just ignored me but was able to calm down a bit.

After walking a ways the Half Moon pack house came into view and I saw alpha Rick waiting at the doors with his beta Callin, one of the five wolves must have mind linked them that we were on our way.

"Your late alpha Kayden" Rick said with a snap as I stood in front of him.
Man these guys are in a bad mood today.

"I wanted to wait for a patrol" I said politely while keeping my head high.

"Follow me" he said glaring then dismissing the five that accompanied me here.

Jackson glanced at me 'And he's the one who asked for an alliance? He seems like he's annoyed that your here' he spoke through the mind link.

I ignored his comment with a shake of my head. I couldn't think straight with Zander going crazy so I tried to push him out and thankfully I was successful.
We arrived to what I assume to be Rick's office and I told Judy and Kenneth to stay outside of the office and wait.
Jackson and I walked in and I smelled a slight scent of blood which confused me but I didn't think much of it, he could have had a nose bleed or punched someone who made him mad.

"So what information do you need to know so we can confirm the alliance" Rick spoke out.

"I need to know your pack is safe and won't attack or betray my own, I will want to meet your members and do a simple search to make sure all pack members are treated well" I speak out and watched as Rick share a glance with Callin which looked like it said more then I could see.

"Umm yes, we won't attack you or your pack as long as the alliance stands and you don't attack us. You can see my pack members soon, I'll gather them all and you can meet them as well as observer their behaviour or look to see if we treat them well, will that work for you?"

"Yes, gather them now if possible" Rick nods in response and looks at Callin then his eyes fog showing that he's using the mind link.

Callins POV

I look at alpha Rick and feel my anger rise though I'm able to hide it well.  Alpha Rick looks back at me with the same look and I can tell he was trying to mask his own anger that came forth 'make sure they don't find Mia and go put something on her cage or anything, they Can Not find her' He growls out and I nod excusing myself from the office.

'Everyone gather in the dinning room, alpha Kayden wants to meet you all so be on your best behaviour and no mentions of Mia or abuse, am I clear' I hear alpha say through the pack link in his alpha voice.
He is responded by many members of the pack saying 'yes alpha'

Oh I hate that dumb excuse of a wolf she's such a pain in the ass.
I think to myself shaking my head as I hurried towards the basement door and head down the stairs. I see her pathetic state covered in piss and blood and watch as she jumps at the sudden bang of me opening the door then I see her fail to get into a simple sitting position, I curl my noes in disgust as I grimace, she is absolutely useless.
I grab a tarp from the corner and cover it over her cage then drag a few boxes over to it so it doesn't look as suspicious if they did end up coming down here, then I leave the basement and lock the door and head over towards the dining room.

Mia's POV

I jump and am blinded by the sudden light coming through the door not expecting someone to be coming down again today. I get dizzy by the sudden fast movement but try to ignore the spinning. I look closely and see that it's beta Callin, I immediately try to get to my paws feeling fear burning a hole in my stomach as I'm not able to make it to my feet so I just raise my head hoping that that's good enough for him maybe he'll understand. I see he doesn't look happy what so ever I can easily sense that. Now I'm even more worried.

I expect him to throw me out of my cage and beat me to a pulp for my disrespect but am surprised when he grabs the tarp and puts it over my cage, he then does some other stuff that I couldn't see. I didn't really care either, if he didn't want me out of the cage or need my attention then I have no need to care about what he's doing.. plus it takes up too much energy to worry..
I lay my head back on my paws as I start to feel some relief, my mind is going blank and I just let my eyelids close without a care, it's almost like my heartbeat is slowing down.. or could it actually be? I hope so.

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