Part 15

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Merry Christmas!! I hope everyone is having an awesome holiday, or just an amazing day if you don't celebrate :)
I thought I could publish another chapter as a small gift to you all from me. Thank you!

Kayden's POV

The stench of that Half Moon wolf is as clear as a rabbits trail, I won't ever forget that scent.

I don't even attempt to suppress the rumbling growl that Zander let out, I enforced the intensity of it. I know that the wolf we were approaching was in my mates old pack and may have even contributed to her condition. One wrong move from them and I wont not hesitate to rip their throat out and paint the snow red with their blood.

I knew for certain that my eyes were glowing with gold as Zander pushed us to run faster towards the wolf. I skidded to a halt, my pack boarder was now only a couple feet in front of me. I looked around and no other wolves were in sight. But I'm not dumb, I could smell the filthy thing on the opposite end of my boarder. 'Kill them' I could hear the anger in Zander's growl, his words speaking my own thoughts.

I shook my head and tried to rationalize my agressive thoughts. This wolf was not on our boarder. Neither the Elders nor Royals have given the order for the elimination of the Half Moon pack. I had to realize that this wolf may not even be guilty for the wrongdoings towards my mate. I took a sigh and quieted Zander so I could focus on the being in front of me.

"I am Kayden Ichalke, Alpha of the Blood Moon Pack. I stand with my pack and request the presence of you, wolf of Half Moon Pack." My voice boomed through the forced mind link. I tried to keep it passive but the aggression could be heard distinctly.

I dare not shift into my more vulnerable human state. If this wolf were to attack or call an ambush, I wanted to have the strength of Zander's form with me.

My eyes shot to the other side of the small clearing where the man walked out alone. I swear I've seen him somewhere. I noted his body wasn't tensed, not like someone who was going to attack, but the smirk on his face made me growl. The man in front of me didn't even flinch.

"Sorry sir, Alpha. My manners have always been a bit off, I don't believe you remember me." He said this plainly, I glared into his eyes and still couldn't any emotions emotions to base anything off of. "I was recently informed of what happened within my pack. An old friend we all thought was missing was the wolf you found during your visit." I saw him eyeing my body, looking for any sign of an attack. However, I wasn't about to try anything. This was the only way to receive any sort of story on my mate currently.

"Only Alpha Rick ever entered the basement. It was prohibited for anyone else to go down into that area. He said that the basement was only for the wolves who posed a threat. There were things he had to do to protect us, but he did want to ruin our image of him because of the things he had to do."  The man seemed to be genuine and upset, I still couldn't shake my suspicions though.

"He was a good Alpha we thought. Watching over us and taking care of the pack, we were family"

I dropped my defensive state and looked at the man questioningly, urging him to go on.

"That wolf that you rushed out with, she she was locked away from everyone's knowledge. Even poor beta Callin, he feels awful. His most important task was to watch over the pack and make sure everyone was protected. He never thought he had to protect a member from our own Alpha. Beta Callin and the rest of us had no idea what that sick man was doing."

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