Part 26

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I decided to publish a chapter early as a thank you to all my lovely readers (:

Kai's POV

I look at Nate, I can tell he was mind linking someone from his blank cloudy eyes. When he comes out of it he seems to be tense. "We need to go inside and get you to your room." I got confused by this, we haven't been outside long.

"Why? Can't we stay out a bit longer, you were right, I've been inside too much" I tried to insist on more time. I wasn't ready to go inside inside yet and be confined to that suffocating room. It was late enough that most of the pack members were inside so it wasn't intimidating.

"Mia's out for a run and they're heading back and will be here shortly, I don't want an unexpected meet up between you two." I subconsciously glance around the open area expecting to see her, I was curious how she was doing. I haven't seen Mia since the night Alpha Kayden ran out with her in his arms. She had looked to be in rough shape that day..

"Ok I understand" I knew it was the best thing right now for Mia that we don't meet. I know I'd remind her of all the pain she went though. The pain that was hopefully behind her now. She's going through enough already and I want her to finally have the chance to recover.

Me and Nate began to head towards the pack house and I can't help but notice how well kept their pack grounds were. Nothing was overgrown and the snow had been cleared from all the paths.

My pack doesn't bother with any of that, too focused on growing stronger to deal with such 'pointless chores' as it would be called. But I have to admit, it gave the Blood Moon Pack a charming look to match their powerful name.

We made it to a different entrance of the pack house then we left from. I'm assuming this is to better avoid Mia and Kayden. "I'm going to have a guard posted outside your room tonight, don't abuse the privacy we've decided to allow you. Jackson pushed for you to have it after mentioning you didn't sleep well last night."

I look at Nate shocked of the trust so soon. Not that I'd do anything to hurt the alliance, but I wasn't expecting to have the room to myself so quickly. I wasn't going to complain though.

"Thank you Nate, I won't break that trust and I do appreciate it." He only shared a glance before we walk the halls to my room. "We don't trust you Kai, don't think for a second that we do. I know there's more to the story then you're telling me, but for your packs sake, I hope this ends well." The threat made me feel uneasy as we walk past the guard and he opens the door to my room.

I try to understand his position but knowing he was talking about hurting my pack left me feeling tense, and yet unable to stick up for them. I know Half Moon Pack deserves no sympathy or kindness, however, I want to fix my pack. I want to help make us as powerful and as true as the stories told before Alpha killed the last alpha for the position. And in doing so, ruining the pack.

I began thinking about Mia's father, even he would have been a better fit to become alpha. I hate what our current alpha has created the pack to be, he ruined the reputation that Half Moon Pack once had. He was not fit to lead us and was obviously sending us in the wrong direction. The more time I spend in the Blood Moon Pack, the more I realize this.

From what I can see so far, their power does not come from ruthlessness and forcing obedience. They have strength in unity. Alpha Kayden cares about all his wolves and they trust him, truly trust him in return. Just as a pack should. I don't think my pack trusts Alpha, we may follow him, but only because we have to in order to survive. Most of us anyways.

I shake my head realizing we have it all wrong. I only wish I could remember my old pack that I came from. The ways that Half Moon Pack follows is all that I've known and even though I knew it was wrong, I hadn't seen just how wrong it was before coming here. Can we even recover from what Alpha has created us to be?

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