Part 13

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Heya!! I really need to say thank you to all of you <3 my heart melts seeing the support I get from you guys! I feel so lucky :)
I wanted to make this chapter a little bit longer, and like always, I love seeing your guy's comments :)

I just wanted to put this out there since I know there's bound to be spelling errors, I will not be editing those spelling errors :) you can comment on them if it fulfills those desires though.

hope you enjoy the chapter!

Mia's POV

"Hello! ..hello?"

Oh no! Did I fall asleep again?? My eyes dart open and I see the small same shoes of the lady who always comes in here. She hasn't been aggressive towards me yet but I'm sure if I give her time, and she's still very scary! She could snap at me in any given moment!
I make sure I'm seated properly and bow my head, giving my full respect. I don't ever hide my fear because I know it's what they look for, and it's what they want.

"I brought more food and medicine, you should really eat something"

I could feel her fake sympathetic gaze on me, the people here were extremely good at their tricks and acting. Alpha really has outdone himself this time because I don't know when this pack will attack and it just causes more anxiety and fear then at home. Here, they're unpredictable and untrustworthy, I really miss home where I understood everyone around me.

I watched her leave the room without another word. My eyes make their way to the food in the middle of the room, I used to love the smell of the human's food before I came here. Now that I'm always near it, the scent makes me feel absolutely sick. I don't know how long these tests are going to keep going on for, but I really just want Alpha to know I would never disobey him again. I just want things to be able to go back to normal.

I studied the plate in the middle of the room and noticed the glass of water. It's been a while since I've had water. I really began to notice my thirst and the desert feeling on my tongue. I'm usually allowed water when it's given to me or just available like in puddles, but I suppose I've never had this option, what do I do if it's in a glass?

I glance around the room for anyone in the shadows then focus my attention on the door for a few seconds, no sound.
I'm really thirsty so maybe I can have a little sip or two of the water.
I get up really slowly and crawl closer towards the plate but I can't shake my suspicions that this was wrong.

Maybe these are new rules to learn? I know I'm not allowed anything human, so I suppose I wouldn't be allowed the water inside the glass. I stare sadly down at the clear heavenly liquid.

Oddly staring at the water made me suddenly realize I had done something really wrong the day I came here, I looked into that alphas eyes! I remember seeing them so glossy and the intensity that those chilling blue eyes held. How did I not realize I broke a rule this severe?? Not just anyone's eyes but an alpha's! I know Alpha, or really anyone I looked into the eyes of would beat me to near death but it was a main rule so I would have deserved it.

This alpha hasn't said or done anything yet though, so maybe he forgot.. but if anyone's, I'm glad it was his eyes that I got to see. His eyes made me want to look into them for hours, they made me want to break every rule I know and just be with him.. ..wait, where is he?
I quickly look around the room again incase I missed the huge dark wolf in this very white room.

He wasn't here, but I still felt my heart beating so fast that I got a bit light headed. I took a few deep breaths in and I began to feel a bit of curiosity overwhelm me. Glancing around the room I got a burst of energy when I locked eyes with something fluffy. Excitedly, I crawled over to the stuffed bear that I've been seeing in the same spot since I first woke up here.
I'm not sure where I got this confidence from but I stretched my body and stood tall, then rested my head on the side table and just stared at the fluffy stuffed bear.

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