Part 12

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Bit of a slow beginning to this chapter :) getting back into some fluidity might take a bit!
Thank you everyone for your patience!

Just Kayden's POV for this chapter! Expect more :)

Kayden's POV

Some time has passed since I entered the room. Watching my sweet little mate curled up in a ball, it made her look so peaceful. It brought needed joy to me and Zander to see her so calm, though when looking over her body I could see her hip bones poking out sharply and could count every rib bone on her thin torso. She's still so terribly malnourished and she didn't eat the food that was brought in earlier. Right now though I just want to try and cherish this serene moment.

It's relieving to see no trace of fear present or any guards up. I really wish it was like this when she's awake, but I know once she opens her eyes all of her fear will rush back and honestly I don't know if she would cower or.. the other thing..

I can't think about her past too much right now though, especially with being in the same room. She would easily sense my anger if it rose and I would feel awful for disrupting her sleep.
She's been asleep for a few hours now, It's good that she's resting. Nate says she needs a lot of rest to boost her healing process and eventually, the healthier she becomes, her body will naturally strive and demand for things that would include food.
Speaking of, Nate also mentioned that eating is very vital for her recovery right now. Starting with small meals continually for a while of course, and along with making sure she eats only certain foods until her stomach gets used to more then what she would have been eating. I'm not sure how to urge her to eat any food, nonetheless specific meals, and unfortunately with her case it's a complete learning process for everyone. I won't be able to go to the pack doctors for much help especially if she won't take treatment willingly.

It was mentioned to me earlier that she didn't take her medication to help with the pain and discomfort. What she must be going through right now would be unbearable to most, I don't understand why she won't let us help her. She must at least know that we're trying to help.

I must have been staring at my beautiful mate for hours with my busy mind, of course until I felt someone push on the mind link.

"Kayden? are you busy? Sorry to interrupt" It was Jackson, I wanted so badly to respond with yes but I knew Jackson's urgent tone and he wouldn't disturb me without reason especially since he knew I was with my mate.

"What is it Jackson?"

"More rogues have been scented near the west end of our border. The patrols said that they saw a few of the pests just staring at our forces without crossing the border" he responded and I could hear the confusion and worry in his voice.

"We're already doing patrols every half hour I'm not sure we can spare the energy to do more, we'll station 40
guards around our borders at all times and have them switch out every 3 hours. Make up a route plan so we can cover more area" these rouges are not only starting to concern me but more frustrate me. We can't attack or chase them out if they're not within our borders or following the border codes.

"Ok I'll go speak with the warriors now and discuss the single patrols and who can do the first few shifts, Lucas has already informed me that he'll do a shift after his patrol"
I'm so honoured I have Jackson and Lucas at my side, without them I most definitely wouldn't have gotten as far as I am now.

I sighed quietly and looked towards my mate, she still lay so beautiful and calmly asleep.
I wanted to make sure I had someone set up to come and check in on her in a bit and maybe offer some light food along with a glass of water.

Slowly I got to my paws and couldn't hold back a long stretch as I curved my back and pushed out my front paws allowing all my tense muscles to release.
I made sure not to wake her as I walked over to the door and gently pushed it open with my noes. I glanced back one more time to make sure she was still sleeping and honestly to make sure she was still there. It's been hard getting familiar with the situation of having her here, I sometimes still think there will be one time I blink and she'll just be gone.

When outside the door I quickly mind linked my mother to see if she would check up on my mate later and see how she was doing.
My mother hasn't really officially met her yet so I warned her a bit of how my mate might react. I knew my mum would be saddened to see my mates condition, though I also know she has been patiently waiting or this.
I think my mother would be more secure and comfortable for my mate since she has a lot of the traits Nate has towards me.

I had to assure my mum that she didn't need to over prepare food if she decided to bring anything, because my mate probably wouldn't eat anything.
I didn't want my mum to feel gloomy later if her food wasn't respected, and that instead she could bring some crackers and cook for her when she's better.
I honestly don't know if those words will end up sticking though, my mother is extremely stubborn at times.

After talking with my mother, I felt the need to check the border and do a patrol of my own. The rogues were much too comfortable and I needed to see for myself what was happening near the borders.
I wanted to do some investigating on my own and see if I could find any trails that would suggest rogues had crossed over onto our borders. If that were the case, then we would have permission by law to defend our borders and to punish those outside.

The closer I got to the western border I noticed a foreign scent to our lands which I could tell wasn't that of a rogues, but a wolf packs' scent. I couldn't quite identify which pack yet, but as I got closer to the source, I noticed the scent was very familiar.

Approaching our border I could feel Zander forcing out a growl and his rage caused me to see red.
The scent of the wolf filled my mind, it was of the Half Moon pack.

Please let me know how the new chapter turned out! Thank you all for reading my story and supporting me :)

There won't be scheduled updates, it will be more when I have time and can get chapters out. I'm hoping to get at least a few chapters out a month :)

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