Part 9

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Mia's POV

I shake violently as all the pain rushes back at once and I want to howl out but I keep my muzzle shut, I roll onto my back and tuck my tail between my legs and shut my eyes tight.
Stupid! Stupid mutt! I'm such a stupid dog, how dare I be on a bed and how Dare I run, what is wrong with me.. I've only made everything so much worse for myself why did I break the rules.

Rule number 1: Never make eye contact with absolutely anyone.
Rule number 2: Never ever shift under any circumstances.
Rule number 3:Never fight back or run. Rule number 4: follow all commands given, higher ranks come first... I broke a rule.. I broke a rule! Rule number 3!! What have I done, he said that next time I broke a rule he would let the pack beat me up then he would slice down my spin with a knife, no food for 3 weeks and only water every 3 days... I haven't broken a rule in 6 years.. oh what have I done.. I'm so Stupid.

I space out with my thoughts clouding my mind.
I jump back to reality as I feel my heavy body being lifted by his strong arms... I flinch as I expected him to throw me into a tree but he just kept walking, perhaps this alpha wants to wait tell his pack goes through me first..

I stay stiff in his arms barley letting myself breath, I feel an odd pull that made me want to get closer to him and kinda trust him but I mentally scoffed at myself as I refused to move, these feelings are stupid! What an idiot maybe I am a whore like my pack tells me..

He carries me through the trees to that building again.. I see many pack members and the thoughts of what they're going to do to me makes me sick from fear, I mean sick.. I felt bile rise as I throw up on his shirt and feel him stop walking and he goes stiff.
Great you just had to go make it worse didn't you, your such a worthless mutt, wherever happens next you deserve it you deserve all the pain.
I flinch and close my eyes as the voices go through my head. This is going to really hurt.

I feel him start to move again and am truly surprised.. wow still not beating me up?.. how loyal to his pack members.. giving them the first turn.. Alpha wouldn't be able to do that no mater how hard he resisted. I'd be on the ground in a second with him slashing at me. Wait.. where is Alpha..?

A wolf opens the doors for him and he continues to walk back to the room I fled from earlier.
I see the first lady I saw look towards us with a worried face.. oh no she's worried about her alpha and that I'll probably give him a sickness or something..

"Kayden! Is she alright!?" She says as she gets up making me cower away. Why am I doing everything wrong today, now she's mad too.

Wait! I stiffen and shake more. She just called her alpha by his name?? That's an obvious rule you need to follow! He's going to beat her too now! Oh no this won't end well for either of us.

"I think so but she seems very scared" He growled out low.

Kayden's POV (this is going back to when Mia bumped into him)

I can't believe no one stopped her from running, what did they do to cause her to run? I was getting really angry at how they let her escape.

I looked to the side and saw my little mate running towards me, as soon as she saw me she tried to stop running but ended up toppling over herself then she bumped into my side.
"Is mate ok?! She could be hurt, Help mate!" Zander instantly got worried.
But before I picked her up I suddenly felt a huge wave of fear, as I looked down at her I saw her turn over stomach facing up and start to shake, she closed her eyes closed tight and had her tail tucked stiffly against her stomach.

Why is she acting like this.. can't she feel the mate bond? Does that not make her trust me. I looked down at her but she didn't seem to be moving an inch, is she breathing?
I focused on her body and saw the faint movement that showed me she was breathing. All I could smell was overwhelming fear and it made me feel terrible.. but I know her past must have been hard and she needs time.. it just hurts that she's scared of Me her own mate.

I pick her frail body up and hold it gently against mine. We start walking and I see the pack hospital and hurry  towards it. I heard a small hacking sound come from my little mate before I feel wetness seep into my shirt, I look down and see that she threw up.
Oh no I hope she's not sick. She's too weak as it is.
I felt another rush of fear come off her as she started to shake again.
I really need to get her checked out.

I rushed towards the entrance and Jackson opened the door for me, I walked in with my mate held in my arms, towards the room she was staying at.
As the door opens I see my sister sitting there with a very worried and concerned face.

"Kayden! Is she alright?" Lilly yells a bit which scared my mate.

I feel her suddenly stiffen and think it was because my sister was just very loud.

"I think so but she seems very scared" I growl out then look at my sister with sad eyes.

Mia's POV

I suspect that they may be mates since she called him by his name and not alpha.. but even so, my alpha killed his mate because she called him by his name and not his title.. well that's what I heard, but she was an amazing Luna, she gave me food often and made sure my fur was clean.. she was nice, but she didn't listen to her mates orders so she had to pay the consequence.
That's what a lot of the male wolves do, if their mate is disobedient or not strong enough then they just kill them and find a stronger she wolf, but sometimes men like weakness, that's why I'm still alive.

I wonder why I'm in this pack now? Did my alpha get bored of me? Maybe I wasn't good enough, I need to get better..

"Alpha sir, since she is awake we need to get her to shift so we can examine her human state and ask her some questions"

Wait what!? Shift? I won't Ever shift again last time alpha got really mad at me, and I'm sure they're just testing my obedience. I won't fail this test, I know it all to well. Maybe after this test I'll go back home to Alpha, hopefully he's not told of me breaking rule 3.

I look around to see how many wolves where in the room with me, I count 3, the female, the alpha, and the man in white. That can still hurt a lot.. especially since this alpha is bigger then mine..

I stiffen when I feel the movement of the new alpha as he puts me onto the floor.

"Can you shift? It's ok your safe to do so" the man in white kneels down and speaks to me.

No I'm not safe to do so and no I will never shift.
I contemplate on shaking my head no but I decided against it since I haven't been commanded to shake my head or respond.

"She might have hearing problems?" I hear the lady who I think to be the alphas mate say.

"Hmm that is a possibility, I could have missed something while examining her ears. If you can hear me nod your head" I look to the man kneeling down.

I nod my head yes as I respond to the command given to me.
His face turns to one of confusion which made me crouch down just in case he gets mad that I made him confused and decides to hit me.

"She seems to hear ok, that's odd that she won't shift then"

"Maybe she wasn't allowed to shift?" I hear the she wolf say and tense a bit.
Why wouldn't they know this stuff? Alpha must have told them all the tricks they can make me do? Or maybe they're still trying to get me to mess up so they can beat me.

"That's a possibility"

I hear a growl and my eyes go wide as I feel the alphas anger. Immediately I roll onto my stomach to show submission but it doesn't seem to help.

"Who would do something like that?!" My breath hitched as his voice booms throughout the room.

"Kayden we don't know what happened ok? So calm down and can't you realize your scaring her!" I hear the she wolf yell to her alpha.
What is this female doing?? She's going to get herself killed!
I watch as the alpha turns his head to face her and he seems to regain control, then he looks at me and I look down to the floor.
I don't understand this place at all.

Nothing More Than A DogTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon