3.What Did You Do?

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Disclaimer:All rights go to the Arrowverse and their respective owners these characters are not my own hence I give credit for the ones who made them and respectively ask them not to take down my account or story thank and have a good day all the images shown are owned by the Arrowverse and the artist

A portal opens up in the middle of a neighborhood late at night as Red Death comes to a halt

A portal opens up in the middle of a neighborhood late at night as Red Death comes to a halt

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He quickly looks around confused about his surroundings as he questions himself

'(Where the hell am I?..)

Coincidentally a newspaper flies past him as he grabs it and reads the title to himself as it says 'The Flash returns after 6 months of missing' his eyes dart to the date as his helmet retracts revealing his face

"God dammit.."

Out of frustration he crumples up the newspaper and tosses it aside and taps his wrist as a hologram of Gideon appears in front of him

Gideon:Hello Erick *looks around* oh..this doesn't seem like your apartment

"Yeah that's only half of it, I chased down XS and followed her through the speed force but I ended up here *gestures around* I don't know what she's planning but it can't be good especially if it involves time travel"

Gideon:According to my records it appears to be that you have arrived at the year, 2019. 30 years from now precisely..what do you plan on doing, Erick..once you find XS?

You could tell she was genuinely worried about Erick, the way she looked at him..she truly did care for him despite being an AI; she did have sentience..she had emotions

"I'm gonna knock her out and bring her back to where she belongs..maybe break a few of her bones along the way, I mean Gideon she could screw up the timeline! And probably make things worse than they already are..someone has to be held responsible. Someone has to make sure she doesn't fuck up and break time itself"

Erick knew the consequences of time travel, he knew that if you changed a significant event it could alter everything from someone not being born to the world not even existing in the future. Even the smallest shift in the space time continuum could result into something very bad..and of course out of all people, it had to be XS; the inexperienced idiotic rookie hero..

"Gideon have there been any changes to the timeline since her arrival to this time period?"

Gideon stays quiet for a few seconds as she replies back with an answer

Gideon:Currently yes..right now there is a satellite falling from the sky, the Flash had originally destroyed it but..

"But what?..Gideon what happened?.."

Gideon:There was someone else..someone who helped him destroy the satellite which may have caused a temporal shift within the timeline

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