27.The Path Two Have Taken [Finale]

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Disclaimer:All rights go to the Arrowverse and their respective owners these characters are not my own hence I give credit for the ones who made them and respectively ask them not to take down my account or story thank you and have a good day all the images shown are owned by the Arrowverse and the artist(s)

[Well shit..this is it, the finale for this epic crossover it was good to be apart of it mainly because ive never done something like this, but regardless shoutout to OriginalLegacy2003 for the collab, and yeah if you wanna know what happened well shit go check out his story to see; besides from that hope you enjoy this finale]

The room rose with tension as Henry pinned Erick to the wall with his hand wrapped Erick's throat as Kate and Nora shared a rather shocked look, it wasn't that long that they defeated the Reverse Flash from supposedly trying to turn Erick to a villain

To which he no doubtly failed to do so as Kate draws her electrical bow and arrow aiming it at Henry's back as her fingers grip tightly on the electrical string

Erick held his hand up letting her know to not shoot she looked very hesitant as she slowly lowered her bow but kept her eyes trained onto Henry; ready to jump in to help Erick against should the need arise

"You mind letting me go, Henry?"

Henry smirked as he let go of Erick as his touched back down to his apartment floor, he knew be could've easily taken his hand off of him but he suspected Henry did it for his own bizzare reason

Henry presses the side of his cowl as it dematerializes revealing his face to everyone in the room, Kate just has a simple reaction as she looks at Erick who shrugs his shoulders not really knowing what to say or do..but Nora on the other hand, the daughter of the fastest man alive was pretty shocked seeing the resemble within Henry

Henry:I need your help getting back to my Earth through the speedforce

"What your not fast enough to open it yourself?"

Henry flips Erick off as the son of the villain brushes it off and nods his head agreeing as he looks back at Nora who's still looking very much shocked

"I'll meet you at the outskirts of the city..it looks like you have more important things to talk about"

Before Henry can reply back, Erick picks up Kate bridal style and runs out of his apartment leaving Henry and Nora as the son of the Flash sighs and mutters some profane words at Erick

There was definitely tension between the both of them as Henry turns around and faces Nora

Henry:What a guy huh? Honestly I--

Nora:Why do you look like my Dad?

Henry:Because on my world..he's my father and your my sister, kinda

Nora takes a minute to make some sense out of this as she remembers what he said during their fight with the Reverse Flash

Nora:You said that you killed the Flash..you killed your own father, why? What did he ever do to you?

Henry's gaze hardens as he rubs his knuckles

Henry:That's none of your damn business now if you'll excuse me, I have somewhere to be

Henry brushes past Nora but she quickly grabs Henry by the wrist as he stops and slowly turns his head and glares at Nora

Henry:Get your hand off of me..now

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