55.You've Earned It..

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Disclaimer:All rights go to the Arrowverse and their respective owners these characters are not my own hence I give credit for the ones who made them and respectively ask them not to take down my account or story thank you and have a good day all the images shown are owned by the Arrowverse and the artist(s)

Erick had decided to be alone for awhile not that he had anything against anyone here well maybe except Iris and Nora but everyone else was doing their own thing and here he was in the time vault looking at the future holographic newspaper of the man who his father had hated ever since that monumental day

He knew all about the Flash vanishing in a crisis and how it not only left Central City but those closest to him hurt in more than just an emotional state; Erick was no idiot to the rules of time travel and he knew that he as much stepped on the wrong branch..the results could cataclysmic

The futuristic door to the time vault slides on open as Erick turns his head to see Barry walk and join him as they both look at the future newspaper hovering before them as Erick asks Barry

"Aren't you ever tempted to know if you'd survive if you changed things before this..crisis?"

Barry crosses his arms and sighs as he turns to Erick and replies back

Barry:I am, every single day. But I know that if I change something like this..something even more dangerous could take it's place

Erick stays slient but agrees with Barry nonetheless, he honestly couldn't imagine what terrifying thing would replace the crisis if it was truly that bad to endure

"Look..Barry. I get that we didn't get along when we first met and given my history with your daughter, I just hope this cycle of hate you have with Eobard can end with us.."

Erick held out his hand out truly wanting to break free of endless cycle that had started years before he was ever born as Barry looks down at Erick's hand and gives a genuine smile as he shakes Erick's hand

Barry:You're not the only person to blame, Erick. I..just remember thinking that you were like your father and I let my hate for him control me so long..im glad we can move forward from this

After a decently long handshake the two men share a mutual nod of respect towards the other knowing that the once hateful cycle between Thawne and Allen had been broken; Erick takes that sign to leave as he turns around and starts to head towards the exit but is stopped at the last second by Barry saying

Barry:Erick wait!

Erick stops walking and turns his head a bit to face the speedster wondering what else he needed from him

Barry:I know that in the future, Central City doesn't have a Flash to protect it and Nora..she still has alot to learn

It was true Nora that was inexperienced and it would take her sometime to get to where Erick was but Barry hoped with what he was about to say next wasn't too much to be asked

Barry:If you could..I'd like for you to be the future Flash of Central City

Barry watched as Erick's facial expression waiting for him to have some kind of reaction but the speedster couldn't see whether he was happy or sad by what he had said

"It'd be my honor..Flash"

Barry only smiled at Erick knowing that Central City was in good hands as the doors to the time vault slid open as we see Emily had been waiting for Erick but when she was that look in his eyes she asked him

Emily:Hey..are you okay? What happened in there?

Erick only placed his hand on Emily's right shoulder and replied back to her in a calming tone

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