46.Crazy Robot On The Loose

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Disclaimer:All rights go to the Arrowverse and their respective owners these characters are not my own hence I give credit for the ones who made them and respectively ask them not to take down my account or story thank you and have a good day all the images shown are owned by the Arrowverse and the artist(s)

[So I went back and saw the superhero suggested names for Kate and I think imma go with Tempest]

[Also would you guys like for Erick to be apart of the Black Adam movie? I think it'd be a good challenge for him to be honest, lol]

A breach opens up near City Hall in Central City as Superman, Supergirl, Flash, Red Death, Tempest and Green Arrow all come out one by one as Red Death runs circles around the crazy powered robot known as AMAZO and keeps him off balance as the Flash throws a lightning bolt to make it stumble back

Supergirl flies up and uses her freeze breath to stop AMAZO from getting a chance to attack as Superman is seen flying up into the air to get some distance, Green Arrow jumps off his motorcycle and fires an explosive arroe to AMAZO as the robot stumbles and rolls across the ground; AMAZO gets right back up and charges at the Green but Supergirl lands in front of him and uses her heat vision to push the robot back

Tempest joins her as purple electricity comes out of her fingertips forcing AMAZO to slide back as Red Death comes out of nowhere and punches AMAZO across the face and tackles it head on as he starts to force it back more and more

High up above everyone sees Superman rocketing back down at insane speeds as everyone moves out the way as the Man of Steel buries AMAZO into the ground; Superman comes back out and lands in front of the other heroes..it almost seemed to good to be true

Alas the hybrid's eyes widen as he felt the ground they stood rumbling as AMAZO shot up from the large hole in ground as his eyes glowed; each symbol was engraved into AMAZO's chest

Alas the hybrid's eyes widen as he felt the ground they stood rumbling as AMAZO shot up from the large hole in ground as his eyes glowed; each symbol was engraved into AMAZO's chest

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Flash:What the hell is it doing?

Underneath his cowl the hybrid quickly pieced it all together as he muttered

"Ah shit..we are so fucked"

Unfortunately everyone turned and heard him say it out loud as Superman took this chance to rush and attack but with every single hit he threw at AMAZO, the superpowered robot phases through it all like it was nothing

Unfortunately everyone turned and heard him say it out loud as Superman took this chance to rush and attack but with every single hit he threw at AMAZO, the superpowered robot phases through it all like it was nothing

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