22.Im Your What Now?

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Disclaimer:All rights go to the Arrowverse and their respective owners these characters are not my own hence I give credit for the ones who made them and respectively ask them not to take down my account or story thank you and have a good day all the images shown are owned by the Arrowverse and the artist

The lightning in Erick's eyes faded away as he felt the power inside of leave as he looked at the woman standing in front of him as he abruptly blurted

"I'm your what now!?"

His torn suit reverted back to some normal clothes he wore before he arrived here on this Earth, as everyone in the room looked just as shocked as he was

As Sif took a step closer to Erick, reaching out to him but he immediately took a step back from her not feeling comfortable about this whatsoever

Sif:Please just let me explain, Erick I assure you that I am your mother..

Power Girl stepped between Erick and Sif as the Asgardian warrior tensed up a bit, she knew how strong Kryptonians were so getting on her bad side wasn't something she was planning on doing right now

Power Girl:*looks at Erick* Maybe you should give her a chance, she deserves at least that..

Erick's untrusted gaze set upon Power Girl's as his eyes and gaze softened as he nodded

"Okay..okay, your right she deserves the benefit of the doubt..it wouldn't be fair for me to do something dumb for no reason"

Power Girl nods in agreement as she stands next to Erick as she takes a quick glance at Jesse and Morgan checking to see if they're okay from the recent attack from Black Adam, she could tell that they were still recovering as she whispered to Erick

Power Girl:Hey im going to get Jesse and Morgan some medical help..

She smiled lightly at Erick as he smiled back at her as Power Girl gestured for her two friends to follow her out but before she left with them, she turned around and kissed Erick on the cheek as she brushed a strand of her hair away

Power Girl:Thank you for helping us..and thank you for helping me..

She holds Erick's hand as the two touch foreheads as the two close their eyes and enjoy this small moment between each other

"You didn't have to do that you know.."

He says referring to the kiss on the cheek, not that he was complaining about it..

Power Girl:I know..but I wanted too..

Her hands slip away Erick's grasp as Morgan and Jesse wave goodbye to Erick, wishing him luck as Power Girl takes one last look at Erick before walking out of the room leading only Sif and Erick all by themselves

Sif:She seems to care alot about you, despite only knowing you for a short time..

Erick rubs his hand as he looks at where Power Girl stood

"Yeah..she does.."

Sif could see the look of Erick's face, she knew that look..he wanted to have someone special in his life but he was too afraid to make it happen

Sif:With all due respect..she would make a good significant other; Asgardian's and Kryptonians tend to live for a very long time under the right circumstances..

Erick raises an eyebrow hearing that last part, if that was true then meaning basically almost anyone he knew would be dead..

And yet his mind drifted to Kara Danvers, she was Kryptonian but..but he wasn't sure what was going on between them; was it meant to be something more? Or was it just two people connecting with each other that just so happen to have similar interests?

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