29.A High Tension

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Disclaimer:All rights go to the Arrowverse and their respective owners these characters are not my own hence I give credit for the ones who made them and respectively ask them not to take down my account or story thank you and have a good day all the images shown are owned by the Arrowverse and the artist(s)

Have you ever been somewhere you just didn't want to be? Whether it was the awkward thing between everyone or just something that made everything feel off? Yeah well that was currently happening to Erick..

Kate and Kara stand far from each other from within the living room of Erick's apartment, both women with their arms crossed as they just stare at each other..the tension was so high in the room you could literally cut with a knife and it still wouldn't break

Two important people in Erick's life, on the left side of the room he had someone who gave him a chance to explain himself; to prove he wasn't the villain that everyone thought he was..Kara had given Erick that chance..a chance that he would forever be grateful for

And on the right side of the room was someone who was like him, someone who came to his aid when he least expected it; her gifts were unlike anything he had ever seen before..she didn't look down on the people who needed her help and yet despite what everyone said about Erick..she found admiration in him and just before Kara arrived..they had a moment

Erick steps in the middle of his living room as the two women turn their attention to him as Erick nervously smiles at them as they smile back at him

"There isn't a problem here right?"

He prayed to God there wasn't because the last thing he needed or more specifically wanted was for his only home to be destroyed by the Goddess of Thunder and the Girl of Steel; insurance doesn't cover that..

Kate and Kara share one more envious glare as Kate steps forward

Kate:No..there's no problem here *looks at Kara* I just wasn't expecting any company

Erick could hear the small hint of jealousy in that last word, Kate had spoken..even he knew that didn't mean something good

Kara wasn't someone who just got jealous at anyone but she was just a little bit jealous of Kate, she doesn't know anything about her and yet her and Erick just get along so well..just like they did; seeing him with someone else made her feel..envy

Kara:I guess today is just full of surprises even if they are ones we don't expect..

Kate with her arms still crossed replies back to Kara

Kate with her arms still crossed replies back to Kara

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Kate:All surprises are unexpected. But that doesn't mean they have to be bad..right, Erick?

She moves closer to Erick as she puts her arm around his arm as she softly smiles at him, Kara holds her hand behind her back and clenches her fist as Erick meets her eyes as he gently moves away from Kate

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