37.Time For The Truth

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Disclaimer:All rights go to the Arrowverse and their respective owners these characters are not my own hence I give credit for the ones who made them and respectively ask them not to take down my account or story thank you and have a good day all the images shown are owned by the Arrowverse and the artist(s)

Inside of a dimly lit room, tied up to a chair with a singular light bulb hanging from the ceiling flickering; Mon-El slowly opens his eyes as his vision begins to adjust to his surroundings

The Daxamite first felt a sting of pain as he looked to his right as his eyes widened in horror of his whole right arm missing, a wave of memories come rushing back to Mon-El as he remembers it..he remembers getting beaten down by two people

They were absolutely relentless to him..they utterly humiliated him more than anyone ever has in his entire life and now because of them, he was missing an entire arm..what did he ever do to deserve this?

Mon-El notices in the far back of the room multiple pairs of eyes glowing one of being blue, then purple and finally red mixed with black; as the people behind those eyes make themselves known for Mon-El to see

The Daxamite immediately grits his teeth seeing Erick standing in front of him with some kind of hammer in his hand as Mon-El tried to lunge forward to the speedster but was pushed back by Kate's super strength as Erick looked rather unimpressed by Mon-El's attempts

Kate:I wouldn't even think about trying that again..especially not with one arm

Mon-El turns his seething gaze to her as she stares down the Daxamite but it doesn't even startle her in the slightest; she's fought more Frost Giants that held more bravery than Mon-El

His gaze slightly softens as he looks at the women he onced loved as Kara stands next to Erick with her arms crossed

Mon-El:Kara whatever he told you it isn't true--

But she was done hearing all of these weak excuses from him

Kara:Erick didn't have to tell me anything, I saw you treated him..because of you his life is ruined; people think he's some kind of monster!

Mon-El retaliates right back to her

Mon-El:Because he is! Why can't anyone see that!? He's the son of the worst person to ever exist! Look at the damage he caused--!

The sound of a hard left hook cracking Mon-El across the face can be heard as Kara moves her fist back

Kara:Their wouldn't have been any sort of damage if you had just left him alone, every time he tries to enjoy his freedom you make up some idiotic excuse to go after him! And he kicks your ass every time!!

Her words rung true even before Erick found out where he came from and who he truly was, he still beat Mon-El every single time not once had he gotten close to a victory

Erick kneels down and meets Mon-El's eye level as he flips Mjöllnir in his hand  as small sparks of lightning brush against Mon-El's skin

"I shouldn't sully such a weapon with your blood..I was told that I should use it wisely but im sure I can make an exception just for you, Mon-El.."

Before Mon-El can even blink he finds himself on the tallest building in all of National City with the chair mere inches off of the ledge of the roof, Erick puts his hand on Mon-El's shoulder and calmly tells him

"You keep saying that I caused you to do all of this but the truth is you were the one who broke Imra's heart, you lost the support of all of the people who once trusted you.."

Erick throws Mjöllnir a bit far as he calls it back to his hand it grazes Mon-El's cheek

"You stooped low enough to potentially put the lives of innocent people in harm's way all to get to me..you think that just because I won't kill you makes you invincible.."

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