52.A Brutal Battle Indeed

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Disclaimer:All rights go to the Arrowverse and their respective owners these characters are not my own hence I give credit for the ones who made them and respectively ask them not to take down my account or story thank you and have a good day all the images shown are owned by the Arrowverse and the artist(s)

[I like how none of you literally no one reacted to Erick's new suit from the previous chapter lol]

Thor and Superman fly through the ominous dark clouds that crackle with thunder and lightning as the God of Thunder headbutts Superman as hard as he possibly can ultimately breaking Superman's nose

Thor:You dare take my daughter as your prisoner!? You will pay that with your pathetic life!! You will die for that!!!

Superman grits his teeth and fires a beam of heat vision from his eyes only for Thor to counter with Stormbreaker; as the two men of great power try to force the other back

Superman:Once I kill you! I'll make sure that pay that bitch you call a daughter and kill her myself!!

The anger in Thor only grows even more as he calls down a bolt of lightning that electrocutes Superman making the 'Man of Steel' scream out in excruciating pain as Thor uses this chance to throw his mighty axe and hit Superman right in his chest as the poor and foolish kryptonian is sent rocketing back down faster and faster

Superman goes through multiple buildings and comes crashing down onto the streets of the new Central City as Thor calls back Stormbreaker to his hand because the only thing more powerful than a pissed off God was a pissed off father; Superman buries his hands into the ground as he tears and throws a massive chunk of concrete at Thor

The God of Thunder slices through the chunk of concrete with Stormbreaker as Superman flies in faster than he ever has and punches Thor straight in the face before tackling the King of Asgard head on, their fight lands them straight through a window and through some filing cabinets as Superman groans feeling that immense pain still he grabs Thor by back of his red cape and drags him through the ground

Thor is lifted up into the air by Superman's hand wrapping itself around the God of Thunder's throat as Superman glares at the man daring to stand up against him

Superman:You will all fall before me..starting with you little God

Superman throws Thor out of the building as Thor spins out of control and accidentally goes through one of the nearby helicopter propellers; luckily Thor is able to gain his balance and quickly rush to grab and gently set the helicopter down to safety only to be blasted in the back by Superman as the people inside of the helicopter instantly get out and rush to safety

Thor's head is slammed against the ground and forcefully dragged as Thor does manage to elbow Superman in the stomach and uses his own momentum against him as his body is spun around and hits the ground hard enough for it to crack as Thor raises Stormbreaker

Thor:This battle was over the second you took my daughter against her will, now you will rot in the depths of Hel!

Thor brings down Stormbreaker to end Superman's life but Superman is fast enough to stop Stormbreaker by the handle as Thor slowly begins to overpower Superman as the axe only grows closer and closer to Superman's head; using ever ounce of strength he can possibly muster

Superman kicks Thor in the groin like the coward that he is as Thor stumbles back from such a putrid attack and drops Stormbreaker to the ground as Superman just laughs mocking the God of Thunder; his eyes trail over to the axe laying on the ground as Superman can't help but smirk ever so dastardly

Superman:Let's see how you like it when I kill you with your own axe!!

Superman reaches Stormbreaker and wraps both hands around the wooden handle as he tries to lift it up off the ground to kill Thor but the axe doesn't move in the slightest as Superman grits his teeth and uses his super strength to keep trying only his feet to slowly sink into the roof

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