the girl next to you is an idiot

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"Welcome to our library!" declares Jisoo, making a grand sweeping gesture in front of her.

"Okay," says Lisa, who doesn't really have enough energy for more.
Jisoo looks a bit put out by her lackluster reply, but persists, "This is where I usually sit. It's the best table in the whole room: there's some light coming in through the window, but not too much." She looks at Lisa to see if she's impressed.

"Mhm," hums Lisa.

Jisoo pulls a face, flopping into the seat and dropping her things. "What's got you acting all depressed?"
"Classes with Jennie," Lisa says, "and also, the book we're reading in English. It's so boring..."

"Let me guess, Tess?" sighs Jisoo. "We did that book last unit. Heh... just wait till you get further in, you'll definitely be more depressed."

"Great," Lisa grumbles. Something behind her seems to catch Jisoo's eye, because the other girl suddenly scrambles to lean across the table and over her shoulder.

"Speaking of books," murmurs her friend with a devilish grin, "what is Jennie reading over there?"
Lisa pivots in her chair to see the other girl a few tables down, apparently engrossed in a novel. "I have a different question: how about we don't get involved with her for ONE PERIOD?" she suggests in a completely calm, casual tone. "I've had enough drama for my first day at this school."

Before Jisoo can reply, a quiet voice makes both of them start. "Excuse me."

A boy whose hair color is only a shade darker than Chaeyoung's stands by their table, backpack slung over a shoulder. He looks as dead inside as Lisa feels. "You're in my seat."

"You are excused," snaps Jisoo. "This is my seat!"

The boy huffs skeptically. "I've sat here practically every day for the past two years."

Well, this boy may have saved Lisa from another interaction involving Jennie, but certainly not from more drama. "Jisoo, I thought you said  you  usually sat here." she interrupts, hoping to quickly resolve this affair and get some peace and quiet to catch up with her schoolwork.

"I do!" Jisoo sputters indignantly. "Well... maybe only on soccer days." She glares back at the boy, who seems decidedly more irritated than before. "How come I never see you then, huh?"

His expression suddenly becomes embarrassed, before returning to annoyance. "I'm a... fan of the sport. I don't come here when our school has a match because I go to watch the games instead."

What a lovely coincidence. Lisa is not up for any more discussion, so she just points at one of the remaining two chairs and says, "Just sit here, we'll try to be quiet."

"Nope!" Jisoo sweeps her binder off the desk and into one of the chairs and props her feet onto the other just as he's about to sit down. "All taken. Unless you do us a favor, Mr...?"
"Min. Min Yoongi." Now he just looks amused.

"Okay, Mr. Min. See that girl over there?" Jisoo jabs a pencil in Jennie's direction. "If you can find out what book she's reading, you can sit here. Otherwise, you'll have to find a new seat, 'cause I'm gonna be here every day now that I have a friend with me."
Lisa shakes her head in despair. Looks like Yoongi hadn't saved her from trouble with Jennie after all.

"That's Jennie Kim though," Yoongi notes. "Extremely popular Jennie Kim. Notoriously doesn't-want-to-be-bothered Jennie Kim. And you want me to... find out what book she's reading? Why don't you just walk over there yourself?"

"Um, I'm Jisoo."

"Ah." Suddenly, Yoongi seems a lot less confused. "The infamous Jisoo 'most moronic question I've ever been asked' Kim."

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