under the red sunset, you are by my side

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"And you'll be okay here by yourself?" Lisa's mom says for the third time as she pulls over to the curb in front of the theater.

"Yeah." Lisa unbuckles her seatbelt and grabs her purse. "Jisoo should be here in half an hour. I'll just look around until then. And she can drop me off back home."

"If you're sure, sweetie." Her mom leans over and pecks her on the cheek. "Have fun!"

"Have fun at your company thing with Dad," Lisa replies.

She watches the car zoom away before taking a moment surveying her surroundings. Lisa's never been to this shopping center before; it's a little far for actually coming here to buy things, and she hasn't had any interest in watching movies until now.
Next to the movie theater, there's a supermarket, around which various restaurants are scattered: Islands, Pat and Oscars, In-N-Out. Lisa could go buy some food, but she just had an early dinner. Plus, she needs to save some room for popcorn. There's also a nail salon, but Lisa, ever the procrastinator, hasn't gotten her credit card set up after their move overseas, and the few bills stuffed into her wallet won't be enough for any sort of manicure. So she pulls out her phone and texts Jisoo.

Lisa [18:43]

r u here yet

The reply comes within seconds.

Jisoo [18:43]

wtf I haven't even left

Jisoo [18:43]

y r u already there

Jisoo [18:44]

shit did i get the time wrong again

Lisa [18:44]

lol no, my parents dropped me off early on their way to a party

Jisoo [18:44]

wowwww living the life

Lisa [18:44]

company party u idiot.

Jisoo [18:45]

u haven't got a car?

Lisa [18:45]


Lisa [18:46]

no american license either

Jisoo [18:46]

o yea

Jisoo [18:47]

ok well i'm leaving in like 5 min

Jisoo [18:48]

btw can we meet at the sushi place instead

Jisoo [18:48]

hard to find parking in front of cinema

Lisa [18:48]

fine but where is that

Jisoo [18:49]

down the hill

Lisa [18:49]

k c u

Lisa [18:51]

hurry up i'm bored

Jisoo [18:51]

jisoos christ chill out i'm getting in the car

Lisa [18:52]

did you srsly just use ur own name to censor

Jisoo [18:52]

one must never speak the lord's name in vain! ttyl

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