i don't play with them fakes

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"Have you seen Jennie?" Lisa hisses into Jimin's ear, leaning over the back of the couch. Chaeyoung and Jisoo are nowhere to be seen; Lisa assumes that Jisoo is still comforting her friend elsewhere.

Jimin twists to face her. "Uh, she came in here a while ago but went out again. Why?"

"I need to talk to her," Lisa says simply, rather than going into a detailed explanation of all the reasons that she needs to find Jennie right now. "Where did she go?"

He points towards the stairs. "Up."

"The second floor?" Lisa frowns. "Didn't you tell us upstairs was off-limits?"

"Jen's already been over tons of times before, so she's kind of exempt," Jimin points out. "I just didn't want other people in my parents' and brother's rooms. If you really need to see her, I guess you can go up. She's probably in my room. That's the one right above here, in case you're wondering."
"Okay." Lisa's about to leave, but then she remembers something Scott had said. "Jimin, you know that Scott and Nayeon dated, right?"

"Yeah, that's why I, like, specifically mentioned that she was coming to the party today to you guys. Didn't know if Chaeyoung would like to hang out with her boyfriend's ex and all," says Jimin. "But I guess it turned out okay, because they haven't really talked. Probably because those two are making out somewhere; I don't really want to know."

It  so  did not turn out okay, and Scott and Chaeyoung are definitely not making out anytime soon. But Jimin doesn't need to know that, so Lisa just presses on, "Do you know how they broke up?"

Jimin's forehead creases. "I didn't  ask , I mean. But," and here, he blushes a little sheepishly, "everybody was talking about it when it happened. Football player and cheer captain, you know, kind of a big deal."

"I think the general consensus was that Scott broke up with her," Jimin recalls. "I don't know any details, so don't ask me. In fact, why are you even asking me all this?"

Lisa doesn't answer, mainly because she's already halfway up the stairs, having pushed her way through the people gathered in the kitchen as soon as Jimin confirmed Scott's story. She bounds up the steps in twos and threes, nearly slipping at the top out of sheer speed.

Jimin's bedroom door isn't fully shut, open a crack as if someone had just gone in and forgotten about it. Through the crevice, Lisa can see light blue walls and posters with dancing silhouettes. She pushes it open a bit wider and slips through, closing it all the way behind her.

There's a figure standing by the window. Jennie turns at the click of the door; her face doesn't change at Lisa's presumably unexpected presence. "Hello."

"Jennie." Lisa joins her at the window, which overlooks Jimin's garden, a neat little area with flower beds lining the edges and a lemon tree providing shade for the patio.

Jennie has to know why she's here, has to know that they would've eventually found Chaeyoung in the bathroom and discovered the truth. But Jennie doesn't seem like she's going to admit to it anytime soon, and Lisa doesn't know how to start this conversation.

"It's autumn," says Jennie out of nowhere, pressing a palm to the cool glass. "Look at the leaves."

Lisa obliges, not sure where Jennie is going with this. She peers out at the fallen foliage lining Jennie's grass. "Yeah, they're changing color."

"Everything is changing." Jennie sighs, peeling her hand from the window and rubbing it absently up and down her other arm. "Lisa, I wanted to say..."

"Yes?" Lisa leans forward almost unconsciously. Is this a confession?
"... never mind."

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