you can't go a day without me

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The next two weeks are uncomfortable at best and painful at worst.

The first lunch passes like this: Lisa comes to their usual spot to find Jisoo moodily picking at a weed, lunchbox discarded to the side. Chaeyoung is nowhere in sight. Lisa doesn't even bother to ask, because it's pretty obvious what's going on here. She wonders briefly where Chaeyoung is sitting.

Chaeyoung avoids them then, before school and between periods, but during P.E. class she pretends nothing happened. She chats and jokes with Lisa like always, but the second that Jisoo shows up, Chaeyoung vanishes. Lisa considers advising Chaeyoung to pursue a career as a magician, because she could definitely make it big with this disappearing act.
Jisoo is, expectedly, miserable. Math class is a nightmare: Lisa finds herself stuck with a table partner who can hardly be bothered to lift her head up from the table, much less help with the classwork. Seven lunches pass with her rarely uttering a word to Lisa past hellos and goodbyes. It gets to the point where even the introverted Yoongi, who used to tell Jisoo to shut up every period they spent in the library, expresses concern at her unusual silence.

"Jisoo, stop moping." Okay, so it's a questionable form of concern, but Lisa's impressed that he even bothered to comment on the matter.

"Chaeyoung seems to be a reasonable person; she'll get over it."

"No, she won't. I told her she was pathetic, when all she's done is support me. I'm the pathetic one!"
Jisoo buries her face in her arms.

"You kind of are right now," Yoongi says unhelpfully.

"Have you apologized to her?" Lisa suggests. "I'm sure she'd hear you out."

"I tried," moans Jisoo, "but she keeps running away! I can't even talk to her."

So the four of them are suffering— well, the three of them, Lisa can't speak for Chaeyoung, who's doing just fine based off what she's seen in P.E.— but there's one person in this whole situation who seems to be thriving. Jennie's never been better, now that Jisoo's too occupied (and too ashamed?) to pull any stunts.
Lisa finds that a happy Jennie is good for them all: she cuts back on the derisive comments, doesn't bother her and Chaeyoung in P.E., and even cooperates with Lisa in English. It's not like Lisa  likes  her, but if she just ignores their personal history and considers her tablemate purely from a business perspective, she has to admit that Jennie turns out to be a decent partner. Much better than Jisoo in math, who was right about at least one thing: the book  Tess  is rivaling even her in terms of depressing content.

Even with all this progress, it comes as a total surprise when Jennie suddenly says to her one day, when they're supposed to be doing group work, "Whatever's going on with Jisoo and Chaeyoung needs to stop."

How does Jennie know about that, and why does she even care? Lisa has a lot of questions, but the only one that leaves her mouth is: "Um, what?"
Jennie rolls her eyes. "Chaeyoung and Jisoo. They're arguing, right?"
"Yes?" says Lisa uncertainly. "How did you know?"

"Chaeyoung's been hanging out with some of the people in my group at lunch," Jennie explains. "Which obviously means something happened between those two, because they're usually inseparable."

"Why do you care?" asks Lisa suspiciously. "I thought you hated them. Us. Whatever."

"I couldn't care less about Jisoo," scoffs Jennie. "But I guess Chaeyoung... isn't bad."

"Even though she put trash on your locker?" Lisa points out. She notices that Jennie hasn't addressed her opinion of Lisa but decides to let the matter be. Because she totally doesn't care what Jennie thinks of her.
Jennie rolls her eyes even harder. "Do you think I'm an idiot? It was obvious that Chaeyoung didn't put any trash on my locker, because she's not as rash or as stupid as Jisoo. Seriously, 'you've underestimated me for the last time!' She's been watching way too many spy movies."

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