Chapter one

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I woke up, my head in swirls from the beatings.

It started with my usual routine, a preppy outfit for the image she created. Makeup to hide the scars, and a big sigh of sadness mixed into it.

It all started because of my "mom", she does not only watch me like a hawk. She teaches at my school, which means I have to put up an act to prove her innocence.

Taking a shower and dressing up, I look at my final look.

My natural red hair is pulled up in a classy bun. Bright green eyes shining and all is topped off with my other make up and overly colorful clothes.

I've tried telling on my mother, but I had no proof except for my bruises. I tried hard, but when I did, all she did was hurt me, physically and emotionally.

My heart beat quickens as I hear my mom call me from down, scared of what strike she has on me now. The first day of school is today, and I barely have enough makeup to cover up the bruises that I seem to get a lot in one day.

"Get your ass down here!" My mother screams again.


Calming my beating heart, I head down stairs.

"I'm here mom." I say.

"You better be," she says coming out of the kitchen. She grabs my arm, her nails digging in, and throws me in the car.

"If you mess the first day up or tell on me your screwed."

I couldn't even mess it up, she doesn't only abuse me, but watches out of I'll try to tell someone. Which leads her to work, in my school, as a teacher, and vice principal. Like I said earlier, if I'm not mistaken I've never seen a teacher who's also a vice principal, but as my mom, she can work a miracle, with death.

No one can know what happens back at home. From the hair pulling, to the punching and kicking, to drinking chlorine, to being close to death.

People watch me with envious glares, but smiles direct towards me. People praise me, as if I'm their queen, but I do know that this is not who I am. I'm completely different, but as supposed to everyone. I'm their "Golden Girl" or also known as the "Good Girl", and being my rebellious self it's hard to keep up with the act.

I force a smile to my face, and walk ahead, saying hello to everyone. People look up to me as if I fell from heaven, which is seemingly pathetic to me.

"Hello honey." Anthony comes slipping a small kiss on my cheek.

I grin, grabbing his hand and walking, but not before catching a boys stare. His disheveled black hair is a mess, with bright hazel eyes staring back at me, his face looked pained and stricken, and I almost went up to him and asked him why he looked so hurt.

But I guess it must not have been directed to me anyways.

‏The day drags by with a blur. Geometry and trig killed my brain cells.
The teacher is my mom and I had to put up a bigger act, mixed with fake love between both of us. My heart shatters into pieces all over again, whenever I see her looks directed to me, tears spring into my eyes, as I furiously wipe them away, wishing those looks were real.

I catch that boy's eye again but look away.

I head outside and run ahead. I always come late at night, Even if I still face the consequences when I head home at three a.m.
Taking out a cigarette, I light it up and begun to finish it with a frown.

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