Chapter twenty

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I finally updated after years and years.

So sorry for that :)

Picture above, just like listen to all their music. They are perfect.

In sad to say that in about one to two chapters the book is ending.

Although I don't get much reads or votes just the small amount makes me happy, I'm not the best writer out there, I admit that I have a lot of mistakes in the book but I love when people vote and still give me a chance.


I know most of you didn't read everything up there but anyways if you guys don't remember what happened just go back and read the end of my Last chapter because well I'm too lazy to also write a recap.

Let's go on with the chappie.

P.S this is extra long to make it up for me never updating.

Don't forget to check out To be perfect!


My heart beats wildly against my chest, hammering repeatedly.

I genuinely trusted Adam with all my heart, which is why I didn't just assume everything, but I was scared. So paranoid. I felt like he would leave me just like everybody else, and the question is, would he?

He is the only one that knows every part of me, and either he will save me or break me.

Driving over, I get out of my car walking slowly, as if that will stop from whatever fate that will happen.

I look through the windows anxiously, noticing a figure.


But what is she doing here?

Okay don't assume things, it must be nothing I'm sure of it.

That is until Adam comes into the picture and grabs her waist kissing her senseless.

My heart drops.

I'm dreaming for sure, this whole heart pinging, knife thrusting to my back, life flashing in my eyes is just a dream.

I pinched myself.




I fall into the ground crying, not being able to breathe. Adam comes out hearing the commotion, when seeing me his face turns a pale yellow.

"I can explain!"

Oh what a cliche sentence.

Anna comes out giving me a smirk, I should've knew since day one that she was just a minion of my mother, that this was all a scam.

Was Anthony even gay?

It was the other one even my brother? (A/N I forgot his name haha, someone help me?)

"You sick bastard," I say glaring with all my anger.

"I'm sorry," he replies looking down.

"Ya," I say this time quietly, "me too."

I climb into my car without another words, completely heart broken.

I never understood why everything turned out that way, why there is actual people in the world who pretend to care for you when all they do is stab you in the end. The betrayal was so harsh. I felt like a general going to war with his country, but ended up being killed by his own soldiers.

I felt alone.

I was just another girl.

No one special to him or anyone else.

The thing was that the only person that ever loved me was my father, no one else, and even that I wasn't sure of.

I was just another person, and that killed me, burned me alive.

Why wasn't I loved?

I reached a secluded area, taking out my safety knife for emergency cases and cutting my skin open repeatedly.

Everyone hurts me.


So why don't I just hurt myself too?

After all you know the saying; if you can't beat them, join them.

So that is what I did, hurt myself. I cut my arms, my legs, my stomach, everywhere I can reach.

I was just left there bleeding out in the middle of no where feeling nothing but pain, but that's okay, that's just how it's always been for me.

I started laughing, as if I was drunk. Isn't it weird, in the end you always end up being alone, always.

I felt my life blinking away, or more like a shadow above me blocking any light, I can hear the person Shaking me constantly, but I didn't hear, didn't want to anyways,

I understood now what was Adam's decision. He only had two options; to either save me or break me.

He chose the other, just like the others.

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