Chapter six

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Please listen to backseat serenade by all time low, I mean it's too good.

I dedicate this to xxnoitciddaxx because she is such a supportive reader and her comments make me smile so much.


I finally fall down and crash to the ground as Adam catches up on me, he picks me up and places me on the chair near by.

"What's wrong? Please tell me." He pleads.

I don't reply, I just keep shaking in his arms, muttering 'it's my fault', 'I don't want to be here'. He asks 'why but I still don't reply, I just cry and cry, shutting myself from the world.
It must have been an hour or more with me crying into Adam, his shirt looks like it's been rained on instead of crying.

"Sorry about your shirt." I said, sniffing.

"It's no problem." He said, holding me tighter which made me wince, it wasn't a hard touch, but because of the bruises.

"What happened?" He says, his eyes darkening.


He didn't take that as an answer, he narrowed his eyes, grabbing me, he lifted my shirt a bit, enough to see the huge bruises and cuts, his eyes widened and if possible his blue eyes turned darker, he traced them before looking at me again, his eyes showing emotion that I had no way of figuring out, I look at him back, searching for any clues to know what he is feeling.

"Who did this?" He asked, his voice hard.

"Who said someone did this, what if I hurt myself?" I said, if he found out, it could be the end of me, like literally, I gulped when I saw he didn't believe me.

"Did you?"

"Maybe." I replied.

"Bullshit." He said, showing that he didn't believe a word I'm saying.

"Who did this?" He asked again.

"I can't say, I just can't." I said.

He looked at me, his face cold.

He got up and glared at me, he started walking a few steps, until he walked back, I looked up at him, waiting for him to say something.

"This is what I get for caring, but just so you know, I'm going to find out, and you won't stop me." He said, looking determined.

I walked home alone, rethinking about what happened.

It was kind of touching, even though he didn't exactly say anything that much, just knowing that someone cares about me, other than Anne and Anthony, but I couldn't let hi, find out, my mom will beat me senseless, and I know she wouldn't mind killing me and framing it on someone else.

I open up my phone, the only privilege I get from my mom so I can appear normal, and surprisingly she doesn't check it, but I always delete texts, especially between me and Anne, though we barely do to avoid getting caught about the specific topic of beating, in a few days will be a very important day, and not until a few months, two to three, is another important day, and a day that will be the worst for me, beating will get tougher, and I won't be able to get up for a day or two, that's if I'm lucky, especially for the day that's after two months, and just the thought scares and saddens me, I look up on my phone to see my reflection, my eyes are bloodshot, and hands down I look completely and utterly horrifying, I shake my head, putting my phone away.

I walk inside the home and see my mom there standing, waiting patiently.

Then I look to the left and see someone that looks like me.

"Oh honey, did I forget to mention you have a brother." She says, a fake smile gracing her lips.

A brother, what the hell?

You have got to be kidding me.

So sorry if it's short, but I'm traveling and I am lazy, next update may be early, may not be, vote and comment, and tell me your opinion about this, and I know this is extremely short, but I had to do this rushed so I'm so sorry.
Love you all,
Lara xx.

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