Chapter ten

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Day late update sorry, no A/N in the end today, comment and vote loves x.
Since this is late, and my last chapter was so so so short, this will be a bit long hopefully.
Pic of Sky up^.
Just so you know there is nothing eventful in this cheater I am sorry, but you do learn more about her past and I do hope you enjoy this.
And also sorry for so many flashbacks, but hey it's her past.

Black, that's all I see, swirling across from me.

Light, no where to be found, feeling like I'm dropping out of the crashing height somewhere.


Why am I suddenly poetic?

My head was pounding, and I wanted to pull up my eyelids but I couldn't, I felt paralyzed and in pain, I felt myself gasping. I couldn't breathe, my heart beats hard against my chest, until finally I was about to pull up before falling again. After that it seems like I feel into a slumber, not hearing or feeling anything as flashbacks swarmed against my head, pounding to be let in and seen, the landscape opened up to exactly before the time my father had died, I never remembered what exactly happened, just blurs, all my mother told me was that I ran away, and he has got shot because of me.


"Skylie boo, how about we go on the swings." Father had said, picking me up.

My five year old self giggled, hugging him back, I grabbed his hand as we ran there. Swinging for a few minutes, I see my mom grin at us, walking and skipping, which may seem odd, but we were too happy to care.

"Momma!" I said, smiling ear to ear, it wasn't until it was wiped off did I notice what was happening, a random masked man grabbed my mom and forced her into a wall, kissing her roughly, it wasn't surprising he grabbed her since she was absolutely gorgeous, I saw my dad's eyes storm in rage, he ran and punched the man's face, I followed, trembling, felt like I was suffocated.

The man fought back, swinging his arm at dad, I let out a scream as both heads turned towards me.

"Well well, what do we have hear, a lil beauty." His voice taunted, my dad's hands clenched and unclenched.

"Don't you dare touch her or else." Father says.

"Or else what?" The man replied, swiftly taking out a gun, he shot my dad, it isn't until a few minutes later did I hear the sirens calling.

"Shit." The man swore,meh turned to my mother the same time I finally did, she looked blankly at my fathers figure, I felt myself falling from the amount of stress, this seemed to be the most blurred part and now I could see it clearly, he grabbed her and kissed my mother, and you know what she did.

She kissed back.

Flashback end.

Even with eyes closed, I felt myself shaking in anger, my fault my ass.

I wanted nothing more than to kill Katrina, how could she do this, have an affair and yet blankly stare at her husband die.

"Get the doctors." I heard someone shout, beeps and monitors heard, before analyzing it more, I went through another flashback.


Do you know who killed your husband, mam." The officer lazily asked my mother, she shook her head, wiping fake tears.

"No." She hiccuped. I glared at her, even young I felt a sudden hatred and knew what was going on, she glances at me and smirks.

I didn't get it, why would she lie about such a thing?

Flashback end.

It didn't complete, those were the only thoughts and vision, and I was pulled into another forceful flashback, faster than the other one had barely ended.


She hugged me tight, I was not in my right state of mind, confused and why she is crying, confused at everything.

Why is she doing all of this?

Questions swarmed in my little head, as I felt her tears swim down my back, my chubby arms hugged her, and cried too, the only thing we had at the time was each other.

Flashback end.

What was this?

Why can't I wake up?

I fell way too far.

It seems that when you finally fall deeper into the whole, sticking the landing, it's when you find out the deeper secrets of each other, everything Katrina says was and is a lie, and it was my fault for believing it, this isn't as simple as life is supposed to be, my body struggles as I see light, but for some reason I back away from it, and then it vanished as fast as it had come.

I felt so hurt and alone, broken in every fiber, I finally understood what was happening after hearing people say 'nurse' and 'doctor', you'd be stupid not to know you were in the hospital, and as the flats flashback hit me hard, I looked at the surrounding, and this time it seemed as if in third person, as I was just an outsider watching the seen.

She came in looking at me, rage in her eyes, and even though most of the flashbacks. Didn't remember a thing, I know this very well.

Well this is how the abusing began, and honey it isn't very nice.


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