Chapter 3: What do you fight for?

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Abilities, POV, Timeskip, Flashback, Etc.


Location: Classroom

Two hands were raised from an entire class of 24 students when the question was asked.

The first hand raised was from a woman who was wearing red glasses and a Chinese outfit. While the other hand was raised by a white-haired girl with blue eyes and a pout on her face.

Y/n: *Signs* "I said I wanted your strongest, not your fastest to respond"

Girl: "Hey! I am strong and one day I am going to be an S rank valkyrie!"

Y/n: 'Enthusiasm and overconfidence. The key ingredients to be defeated in battle' "Fine then, follow me"

Himeko: "Where are you going?"

Y/n: "She said she is the strongest and so I want to test that"

Location: Arena

Y/n was now warming up in the arena doing stretches and such, he saw the white-haired girl enter with her battle suit and weapons.

Y/n: "Before we began tell me your name"

Kiana: "Sure, it's Kiana Kaslana and I'm going to be an S-rank Valkyrie!"

The telecom then released sound before Himeko started talking into it.

Himeko: "Not with those grades you aren't"

Kiana: "Ehhhh! Aunty Himeko why are you so mean..."

Himeko: "For the last time  call me major when in school and that is because you only focus on rushing in without a plan."

Y/n finished his warm-up and began to stand up straight. He waved for Himeko to start the battle.

Himeko: "Now listen here both of you, this is a friendly match. The one to knock out the other is the winner. Good luck both of you!"

Himeko said before pushing a button for a 5-second countdown.


Kiana: "Heh, I'm gonna show you that I am stronger than you"


Y/n:'We will see about that' "Let's see if you can live up to that promise"

A.I: "3"

Both Kiana and Y/n got in position. Kiana readied her guns and so did Y/n.


Both of them braced in to attack the other.


A.I: "Begin!"

Kiana began to run at Y/n while shooting her guns at him. Unfortunately for her, Y/n knew that was she was going to do that and dodged the incoming bullets.  He grabbed his Glock and 1911 from his waist and began to shoot at her while strafing sideways to avoid her incoming attacks.

She dodged the incoming bullets and began to close the distance between her and Y/n. But, due to her lack of observation, she saw an incoming bullet to her right. She dodged at the nick of the time but the bullet grazed her cheek.

Y/n: "Ricocheting bullets. They allow me to hit from quite a far distance."

Kiana:" Hey! That's not fair!"

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