Chapter 8: Cryptic reality

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Abilities, POV, Timeskip, Flashback, Etc.



Y/n fired his guns at the incoming honkai beasts as they surrounded him one by one. He tried to maneuver away from them as fast as he could, so he can keep some distance away from them.

As the corpses of honkai beasts pilled up on the ground, he started to throw grenades to clear the area up of any bodies to allow more free movement. Y/n then grabbed his shotgun from behind his back and started to shoot the limbs of honkai beasts.

He sometimes even attacked by hitting the honkai beast with his shotgun handle. He turned around to find a honkai beast about to attack him from behind, so he then grabbed something from his utility belt. The honkai beast got knocked back from an explosion. Y/n was seen holding two Seeker mines from his training classes.

He rilled up the honkai beasts into one place before throwing another Seeker mine. He then finished the remaining honkai beast using his pistols.

Theresa: "Time's up! Y/n L/n has killed over 200 honkai beasts in the span of 30 minutes"

Everyone clapped their hands as if watching an amazing performance, while Y/n  exited the arena he met Rita on the way.

Rita: "Well, That was quite the performance~"

Y/n: "..."

Y/n kept silent as he stared at  Rita with a threatening stare

Y/n: "...You planned this didn't you?"

Rita: "Guilty as charged~"

Rita did a pose while saying that.

Y/n: "What is your goal here?"

Y/n asked as his arm leaned towards his gun slightly, but that didn't get unnoticed by Rita.

Rita: "...To observe"

Y/n: "Observe?"

Rita: "That's all I can say. for now~"

Y/n: "..."

Y/n bumped into Rita's shoulders as he passed through her to reach the end of the corridor and exit it.

Rita: "Did you get it?"

???: "He is quite the fascinating person. Almost scary that he used to be a part of an Anti-Honkai platoon squad."

Rita: " Ex Libre. A name I thought was a legend."

???: "Turns out legends are disappointing. Keep on observing him and report back to me"

Rita: "Yes overseer, I shall not fail you~"

Rita said as she grabbed her phone and ended the call. She then walked to the control room while giggling to herself.

[With Y/n]

Y/n: 'Damn it! I fell for her trap! She wanted to test me, but for what?'

Y/n said as he walked through the empty hallway with no human in sight. He was about to take another step until his head started feeling a sharp pain.

Y/n: "NGHHHH...What is going on?"

Y/n vision was starting to get blurry, he felt his legs were getting weak so; he crouched in order to stabilize himself on solid ground.

After a few seconds his pain subsided, but he was now not in the same place as he was.

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