A Family Reunion

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After the party was over the Three Faction leaders and the ruler of Asgard Odin we're discussing about the events from earlier involving Loki. Odin will return to Asgard retrieve Mjolnir for Issei defeat Loki. Ajuka Beelzebub the one who teleported Loki away from a far place and sealing him only temporary, Rias peerage, Sona peerage and Irina are are heading to stop Loki. Rossweisse is also coming along to assist them I tell Rossweisse good luck and she thank me. Ajuka teleport everyone away he then ask me a question.

Ajuka: My I ask you a question.

Rimuru: Go right ahead.

Ajuka: When Loki launch his attack at you. You use the same ability you use against Riser but you called it Void God Azathoth instead of Beelzebub.

Rimuru: Both of those names are the same ability I use. Beelzebub meaning the Lord of Gluttony and Void God Azathoth obviously meeting the Void God Azathoth. I should probably head to my wife and kids see you later Ajuka.

Ajuka: You as well.

Rimuru: Oh and one other thing.

Ajuka: What is it?

Rimuru: You should keep an eye on your brother Diodora. He has been doing some shady things

Ajuka: Hmm there were some things have noticing about him thank you for telling me about this.

I head to the room we're Tiamat and the others are I open the door and I see everyone talking one another I do see my daughters we're reading manga with Veldora. Everyone then notice me and wanted to know what the leaders and I were talking about. I explain everything to them about the Rias peerage and the Sona peerage are going to deal with Loki.

Rin: So they're gonna face Loki. I don't know if they have a chance to defeat him but they do have the Red Dragon Emperor on their side. That's probably enough to defeat Loki.

Rimuru: Yeah the devils had been trained in eight days Issei has been trained by Tannin.

Rin: The Blaze Meteor Dragon Tannin!

Rimuru: Yes and I should also mention both Falfa and Shalsha had defeated Tannin in a fight.

Everyone: Huh?

Tiamat: It is true I have witnessed their fight with Tannin. They had done tremendously providing their selves as Dragon Kings. They have made me so proud I'm happy for my precious daughters that I love so much.

Everyone just look at Falfa and Shalsha who were just minding their business reading manga. Both of then look at everyone who are staring at them.

Falfa: What? Why are you guys staring at us?

Ruby: Did you two really fight Tannin?

Falfa: Oh yeah we did. It was a piece of cake.

Shalsha: He didn't see us coming we really got him off guard. We were sending punches and kicks at him we even send him to a mountain from our beam attack together.

This seems to surprise everyone that these kids actually defeated one of the former Dragon King like it was nothing.

Rimuru: All right enough about them Rin how is Kuroka doing with her pregnancy.

Rin: She is doing well. I ask Beretta to look after her and Kuroka will soon be giving birth and I am a bit nervous.

Rimuru: I know how you feel. When Tiamat was pregnant I was also nervous but I wouldn't let that stop me for becoming a dad. So you better take care of that child of yours and do your best as a father.

Rin: Thanks boss I appreciate the advice.

I then felt a strong energy everyone seem to have noticed this as well even Veldora had noticed it and they all wondering where this powerful is coming from.

Male reader as Rimuru in Highschool DxDWhere stories live. Discover now