1. Mila Howard

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Narrator's POV

Mila Howard always dreamed of her very own Prince Charming.

When Mila was younger, her parents used to get into fights a lot. To escape that reality, Mila started making up scenarios in her head about finding true love one day and getting treated like a princess by her future husband. 

All of the other girls at her school dreamed of being a mother one day but that was something Mila couldn't even think about, what was important for her was love. Being married and making her life and the life of her future husband perfect. 

Even though her parents weren't really in love, she still had a very clear image of what love looked like in her head. So whenever she felt bad or just wanted to escape reality, she could just close her eyes and let her imagination take over. 

Due to her parents always fighting, her mother kept trying to hold the perfect family image together. They would appear at important events, pretending to be this perfect family with no flaws. Sylvia (her mother) made sure her daughter ate healthy and took diet pills regularly because if your marriage is falling apart maybe you can still form your child into the perfect woman. 

When Mila was not thinking about love or trying to live up to her mother's high standards she was talking to Cassie. The two of them were inseparable even though Cassie lived 4 hours away they felt close. 

So of course, when Mila met her first boyfriend, Sam, Cassie was the first one to know about him. Sam was sweet, the perfect first boyfriend you could think of. He was there for Mila through everything, he understood her and would listen to her for hours. Sam understood the pressure her mother would put on her but he managed to be her stress relief. 

Sam and Mila really loved each other, well as much as you can love someone at the age of 15. To be honest, Mila never saw herself dating anyone else besides Sam, he was her Prince Charming. 

At least until after her 17th Birthday. Her and Sam had been dating for one year and a few months, so they were pretty comfortable with each other. Mila would go over to his house whenever her mother would pressure her more than usual. 

It was one of those nights but something was different because when Mila made it to Sam's house and went into his room he wasn't sitting in front of his TV playing video games. He was fucking her best friend. 

A few weeks before this mess had happened Mila and all of her friends tried different things at parties and one of those things was Cocaine. They would do it occasionally, no big deal at first, but Mila started seeing it as something more than just an occasional party drug. 

So at that moment, when she saw her prince charming laying between her best friend's legs, both of them quietly moaning, she knew what she needed to not go insane. 

Of course, Mila never talked to her friend again but she kept talking to Sam. Her mother wouldn't understand, since she loved Sam and Mila being together. Mila decided it would be better to just keep pretending that they were still the perfect couple. 

She could not stand Sam, they weren't really talking just hanging out here and there or going to parties together but nothing more than that. Honestly, Mila didn't care, she was happy. 

Maybe happy isn't the right word, maybe high is. She was always high, before school she did a line, during school another. During the weekend she wouldn't stop shoving that white powder up her nose, it was the only thing keeping her pulled together. 

It wasn't until one night, when Mila had passed out in front of her front door and her dad had to take her to bed. Unfortunately, she wasn't good at hiding things when she was blacked out drunk, so it didn't take much digging until her mother found the small plastic capsule filled with the white powder. 

The morning after, there was a lot of screaming and crying at the Howard house, mainly Mila's and her mother's crying. Of course, Sylvia didn't know what was going on, nor did she care why her daughter would do this to herself. 

Not even two days later Mila was sitting in the back of her mother's car as she drove her to rehab. Mila was actually happy to be there, of course, rehab sucks ass but it was the first time she could sit in quietness without anyone disturbing her. Without all of the friends that pretended to love her even though they didn't. 

As soon as she was done with rehab her mother picked her up and dropped her off at Suze's house. Mila felt betrayed but she was happy to be out of that household. Her mum didn't tell anyone about the rehab except Suze, for everyone else, Mila was in France doing an art project for her college applications. 

It wasn't until the night of McKay's party, until then she never really thought about love anymore but when she met Nate that changed. He made her remember that there was still love in the world. 

And of course, Mila fell for him, hard. She loved him to death, she had never felt that way over anyone. He made her feel safe and loved. Even though she never told anyone, she could actually picture them together in the future, living happily ever after with their small family. 

But not only did Mila fall in love, but so did Nate Jacobs. He loved her beyond everything he had ever felt in his entire life. Yes, you heard it correctly, Nate Jacobs was in love. 


Hey guys I'm so happy to be back!!!! I hope you're all doing amazing. 

I quickly wanted to give you a disclaimer, this book contains sensitive topics (drug abuse, sexual harassment, etc.) and also adult topics.

Thank you for reading my story and feel free to leave comments and votes on it <3

I hope you enjoy <3

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