18. "This dude needs therapy"

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Mila's POV

The girls and I had been dancing for a few hours now, Cassie disappeared for a short amount of time and I really wanted to talk to Maddy about our weird conversation, just not now. 

After some time Cassie came back downstairs dressed in her pink bathing suit. Just as she came down the stairs the bell rang, I opened the door and Nate stood in front of it. 

"Uhm hey Nate, what are you doing here?", I asked looking at my on-pause-boyfriend. 

"I just wanted to drop a preset for Maddy off", he explained and I gave him a confused look, "Don't give me that look I got it already when I was still invited". 

I nodded not wanting to make a scene, Maddy and Nate were on good terms and after their relationship, I didn't think it was that weird he dropped her a present off. 

As Cassie saw Nate, while basically being half-naked she stopped immediately. "And I wanted to see you", Nate whispered in my ear making me smile a bit. 

"Nate", I simply said signing. "Come on Mila, I don't get to see you, I miss you", he said looking down at me. 

I knew it was wrong but when I looked up into his brown eyes my heart made a jump. How could a guy that was treating me so badly, that literally left marks on my body, make me feel that way? 

"Hey Nate, what are you doing here?", Maddy asked confused coming up to us. 

"Oh uhm, I got you a present a few weeks ago when I was shopping with Mila and I thought it would be a waste if I didn't give it to you because me and her are having a few problems", Nate explained. 

She nodded and opened the little box, the present was somewhat a matching one to mine, that's why we got it. We were actually planning on giving Maddy our presents together. 

They were vintage Tiffany sunglasses. "Oh my god thank you", she smiled and pulled him into a hug. "That's really sweet". 

"Okay you two, I'm gonna get changed so we can go into the hot tub, I'm gonna give you guys a minute", Maddy smiled before walking up the stairs. 

"I'm sorry I just came over here without warning you Mi, but I knew you would say no if I had asked", Nate started, "I'm sorry for my acting a few days ago. My temper was just short because I missed you and seeing you come out of Fez's house made me mad. I love you Mila, I hope we can work this out one day". 

"Listen Nate, I don't really know what to say. I'm glad we talked about it at least a little bit and yes I miss you too but I really need this break from you. I just need to sort things out myself so we can see what we both want and need", I explained, I had decided to not answer his 'I love you'. 

"I know Mila, I'm gonna give you the time you need", Nate whispered, he leaned down and placed a soft kiss on my cheek, "Have fun with your friends, I'm gonna head home". 

"Thank you, goodbye", I smiled and closed the door behind him. 

After I closed it I walked into our backyard and quickly slipped out of my dress since I already had my bikini underneath. 

Kat was looking at our house with a weird face, I decided to join her and see what she was looking at, only to see her looking at my cousin. 

Cassie was dancing in our living room drinking straight out of the champagne bottle, singing a song on the top of her lungs. She was clearly out of it, you could tell by all the balloons were wrapped around her at that point. 

"She's a mess when she's drunk", Kat said giggling. "She truly is", I laughed with Kat.

I've never really been very close with Kat, which is sad because I feel like she's actually a great friend. 

Maddy finally came out of the house in her black bikini and we all got into the hot tub, where BB was already waiting for us. 

"Why the fuck was Nate here?", BB asked. 

"He gave me a present", Maddy answered knowing I wouldn't really want to talk about it.

BB nodded as Cassie came outside as well. She walked over to the hot tub and stumbled in it before adjusting into, what seemed to be a very uncomfortable, pose. 

"Happy Birthday", she sweetly said towards Maddy. "Thank you", Maddy replied in the same tone. 

"I'm so glad you and Nate are back together", BB said as I gave her an asking look, "Didn't you just kiss?".

"Oh no, we're not back together", I explained laughing a little. "You're not?", Cassie asked just as quickly. 

"No, like I already told you earlier", I said. 

"God he's so weird", Maddy added, "The way he was so sweet to you right now and so mad a few days ago. This dude needs therapy".

"Yeah right? He's always talking about how he wants to change and stuff", I started. "Honestly he scares me", Kat added, which we all agreed to. 

"You know he's always saying how he'll change and how he'll grow and that he doesn't deserve me. And just how he wants me to move in with him when he's off to college and stuff like that. Sometimes he's even like: Move with me, Marry me, have my Babies", I told the girls and without a warning, Cassie vomited into the hot tub. 

We all shrieked and got out quickly, Maddy started gagging as did the rest of us. 

Cassie started crying immediately "I'm so sorry guys". "It's fine, it's fine", Maddy repeated. 

"I'm so sorry, I'm sorry Maddy, I'm sorry Mila you're my sister", Cassie kept crying as Suze came outside to help us. 

She pulled Cassie out of the hot tub, I quickly grabbed a few towels, one for me, one for Maddy, and one for Cassie. 

"Thanks, Baby", Suze said while wrapping Cassie up, she quickly took her with her.

"What the fuck was that?", Maddy asked me. "I have no idea Maddy, she's so weird. Earlier she was asking me all these weird-ass questions about Nate and Fez", I told Maddy since we got a minute to ourselves. 

"Wait what? How could she know about you and Fez?", Maddy asked. 

"I know right? That's what I was so confused about". 

"Fuck let's get back into our clothes", Maddy said and I nodded following her back inside. Lexi was already helping to clean up the house a little bit because after that incident we were all not in a party mood anymore. 

After Cassie got cleaned up, Suze laid her daughter in bed and said goodbye to the girls. Lexi and I helped to clean up the rest before going to bed ourselves. 

Right before bed, I checked my phone to see a few messages. 

Nate to Mi <3 1:23 AM

You looked very beautiful today 

Fez to Mila <3 1:38 AM

Have a good night pretty lady. I hope you have time tomorrow because I got a new movie we need to watch. Faye's missing you as well

I smiled reading Fezco's message. 

Mila to Fez :) 2:02 AM

I think I'm free tomorrow, so much happened I need to tell you about. Have a good night <3

Mila to Nate 2:04 AM

Thank you <3 


It's finally getting more exciting. 

You don't have to wait that much longer until Mila finds out about Cassie and Nate

Beyond - Nate JacobsUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum