14. "Once a cheater, always a cheater"

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Mila's POV

"Do you really think he is cheating on me?", I asked still not fully believing it. 

"Think about it Mi, why would he get that fucking angry if he's not? He would have stayed calm and talked it through with you, wouldn't he?", Maddy asked. 

"Yeah probably", I answered my head feeling heavy at that point. How could I have been so stupid? 

"I know I'm still a fucking cunt but when he kissed me he didn't tell you either. Once a cheater, always a cheater", Maddy said taking my hands in hers, "You deserve better Mi". 

"I can't leave him", I whispered, I tried to stay calm because if I was speaking too loud it might all become reality. 

"I know Babe, I know but you have to", Maddy muttered pulling me into her arms. 

"I can't, I just love him so fucking much, how can I leave him after everything we've been through? After he promised me he would change?", I asked tears filling my eyes at the thought that he might actually be cheating on me. 

"You will get through that Mi, no one rushes you to do anything just know that he lied", Maddy said holding me tightly to her body. 

Do you know that feeling when the entire world seems way too big and you feel way too small, you start doubting everything? You forget how to properly breathe because your mind is too busy thinking every little situation through. Even though there is no air in your lungs they burn like fire because they're trying to keep up with your mind and your pounding heart? 

And for just a split of a second, it feels like you're dying. 

That's what I felt in that moment. 

"I'm scared", I whispered after some time. "Of what?"

"Of him". 

"I know Mi, me too", Maddy whispered. 

We all knew what Nate was capable of and him being extra angry lately didn't really help in that situation. I knew I couldn't just leave him, he might go psycho and actually kill me. 

I needed a plan. 


"You ready Cassie?", I yelled up the stairs, me and my cousin were about to leave, to visit Maddy at her work place to go swimming. 

"Coming", Cassie smiled coming down the stairs. We quickly got into our car and took off towards the mansion. 

We parked the car in the huge driveway and walked up the stairs to the house entrance. Within seconds of ringing the bell, Maddy opened the door with a huge grin. 

"Finally", she smiled. "Do you really think it's okay for your boss?", I asked while the three of us walked into the big house and towards the backyard. 

"Yeah totally, I asked her if you guys could come over and she was totally okay with it", Maddy smiled. 

The backyard was huge, there was an infinity pool right at the edge of the little mountain the house was build on, there was grass, a playground and much more. This house was a dream for sure. 

"Hey Theo", Cassie and I smiled greeting the little boy Maddy was watching. "Hey", he answered shyly before jumping back into the pool.

"I swear this house is just a total dream", I smiled. "Yeah right?", Maddy grinned. 

Cassie and I got undressed leaving us in our bikinis, Cassie was wearing a cute pink set with matching pink sunglasses. I was wearing my favorite babyblue bikini set along with some purple sunglasses. 

We laid down and enjoyed the sun for a while. 

"I don't think being single is for me", Cassie said breaking the silence. "Yeah me either, I hate it", Maddy added. 

The two looked over at me, "What?"

"You're lucky", Cassie said but I just shrugged. 

Nate and I had been in a weird place for a while now and after my talk with Maddy it felt like things were not the same anymore. I mean officially we were still together but in reality that was just an act. 

I felt betrayed by him knowing that he was lying to my face when ever he got the chance to. To be honest we were broken up, we didn't really hung out anymore. Remember when he said we would have a date night soon? Well that was also a fucking lie. 

We just sat together in school but there was no romance really, I lost him. 

"I'm not we aren't even really dating anyone", I responded sadly. 

Being this distant to Nate made me feel horrible, I missed having him around me, I missed feeling protected by him, I even missed fighting with him. 

"Mi", Maddy quickly said in a caring voice. "Sorry", I muttered trying not to burst in to fucking tears yet again. 

"I just don't know what to do at this point. I really wanna work things out with him but for what price?", I explained taking a deep breath. 

"I don't know Mi, all I know is that you deserve someone that makes you feel special. Someone that is there for you no matter what. A person that cherrishes who you really are and gives you the feeling of being adored. Someone where you don't have to worry about anything like this", Cassie said all honestly. 

"You're probably right", I said. "The way he treats you is really getting on my fucking nerves", Maddy said. 

Theo gasped at Maddy cursing. "I said I am annoyed with him", Maddy quickly added. 

"No you didn't", Theo insisted. 

"Theo you need to promise me that you'll never treat a girl badly", Maddy said laying her head back. "I promise", the little boy smiled at Maddy. 


Nate's POV

Cassie and I had been hooking up every Friday night for the past three weeks. I felt happy being with her, she was exactly what I needed, someone I could fully have to myself. 

I mean yes, I felt bad cheating on Mila, at first but I felt like she wanted to leave me anyway. We haven't broken up yet but it felt like it.

We didn't text a lot just sometimes when we were both bored or wanted to enjoy each other's company, but we barely met anymore. Just in school, I was still holding her hand and walking her to some classes, I mean I loved her. 

I knew she didn't deserved this but I couldn't stop myself. 

Most of the time I pretended I was fucking Mila whenever I was with Cassie, she was even wearing her perfume making the imagination much easier for me. 

Cassie could be the perfect woman for me, she was sweet and innocent. She wanted me and only me, I didn't had to worry about another man that was into her. 

With Mila I always feared she would get with Fezco one day because he was putting up this sweet innocent boy act. He wasn't, he was a fucking drug dealer. 

Thinking about him made me furious and thinking about him and Mila together made me so angry that I would love to just fucking rip his head off. 

"You okay?", Cassie asked brushing some of my brown hair out of my face. "Yeah", I smiled down on her. 

"You wanna get a drink?", I asked the blonde girl laying on my chest before I got off of my bed. She nodded and put on one of my shirts which fitted her like a dress almost. 

We went downstairs and took two beers out of the fridge, Cassie was looking at my dad who was laying on the couch watching us getting a drink. 

I hadn't talked to him a lot, I knew he didn't appreciate me cheating on my girlfriend but who was he to judge? 


I hope you're all doing amazing<3 

Things are starting to get messy, I hope you enjoy it. 

Also, I just finished writing this book and can't wait to publish every chapter. I think you're all going to love the end<3

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