31. "I'll have your back"

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Mila's POV

The entire audience was now focused on Cassie who made her grand entrance.

"Lexi, you really outdid yourself", Cassie started and laughed quietly, "I mean, where did she find these knock-offs?"

The girls that were dressed up as us looked confused at each other, while the entire room started giggling.

"I had no idea that my sister had this in her. Good job, right? Isn't she brave?", Cassie asked making Maddy and I look at each other, "She's up here, unpacking all of her trauma. I had no idea how hard your life was Lexi. Can we give a round of applause for how hard Lexi's life is?"

Everyone started clapping and so did we, we wanted to encourage Lexi to keep going and not let someone like Cassie ruin her dream.

Suze was starting to get off of her seat, probably wanting to take her daughter from the stage.

"Come on, guys. I know they hack the heads off of women in Afghanistan or whatever", Cassie started.

"That's racist", a girl from the audience yelled.

"God, it is nothing compared to living in my shadow. Lexi", Cassie kept yelling trying to find Lexi. She quickly found her behind the stage and grabbed her arm.

She dragged the poor girl onto the stage while Lexi pleaded her to stop.

"This is your show, come out! You're the big star of the day. You're the star of the night. She's always wanted to be the star, this is your big moment. Shine!", Cassie smiled devilishly as I could see tears forming in Lexi's eyes.

The whispering of Lexi kept going to which Cassie just responded loudly.

"I should stop? Me? I'm not the one putting on a play to humiliate and embarrass you"

"I didn't do that", Lexi insisted and I couldn't agree more with her, Cassie wasn't the star, for once and that was what was really bothering her.

"Oh really? Then what is this?", the blonde girl asked.

"Hi everyone, I'm Suze. I'm the girls' mom in real life", Suze smiled making her way up the stage, the crowd started cheering and Ethan came out, "Uhm played by Ethan. Where is he? Ethan? Who by the way, he"

She started as she pulled Ethan into a quick hug and kissed his cheek, "He- you have me down to a, to a, to a science, honey. Thank you, he should win an award."

Suze stopped congratulating Ethan and turned back to her daughter, "Honey, let's go home".

"I deserve this right?", Cassie asked now talking to the audience again.

This was just messy.

"Oh my god, please, Mom?", Lexi questioned wanting Suze to help getting her crazy sister off of the stage.

"I deserve this?", Cassie asked.

"Stop!", Lexi yelled.

"Lexi, I'm going to fucking kill you", Cassie threatened before pushing Suze off of her, "I deserve this, right? Because I've actually lived a life. I'm the one who takes risks, I'm the one who falls in love, I'm the one who gets hurt. Not you Lexi! You've never fucking lived! That's why you're able to stand up here and judge all of us! You're just a fucking bystander"

"God she has to shut the fuck up", Maddy whispered in my ear and I couldn't agree more with her.

"Oh okay, well if that makes me the villain, then so fucking be it. I can play the fucking villain", Cassie shouted before turning back to Lexi, "Lexi, is this the part of the play, where I steal Jake from Mia?"

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