5. "He's such a fucking cunt"

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Nate's POV

God, why does she have to be so fucking stubborn all the time? Fuck. I love her but sometimes she gets the best out of me. Of course, I don't think she's a slut but that dress. The boys at the party will think of her as meat even though she's all mine. I don't want hungry teenage boys to think they can just do what they want if she dresses like that. 

I hit my steering wheel trying to let out some anger. "Fuck!", I yelled. 

I pulled up to a gas station, I needed something to drink immediately. If I had a few beers in my system this evening was going to get better, I bet. 

Before I parked my truck in the parking lot, I saw someone sitting right before the entrance. The girl looked familiar but I couldn't quite make out who it was. 

After turning off the car I quickly grabbed my phone. If Mila was pissed right now she might do something she will regret later, so I decided to be the more mature person and actually apologize to her. 

from Nate to Mi<3 9:55 PM

Hey Baby I'm sorry for yelling at you. You look beautiful tonight I'm just scared someone will touch you because of how fucking good you look. I love you I'll be right after you at the party. Save me a dance <3 

I nodded to myself and got out of the truck. Of course, I had my brother's ID with me so it was easy to buy alcohol. It's fucking ridiculous that alcohol is only legal at 21 in other countries it's already legal at 18. 

I placed the sixpack of beer on the counter showing the guy my ID. He accepted it and I paid for the six bottles of beer. 

While I walked out of the store I saw the girl still sitting in front of the gas station's entrance, it was Cassie. I went up to her, I mean it's Mila's cousin and soon-to-be sister. 

"Hey Cas", I said opening one bottle. "Hey Nate, what are you doing here?", she asked placing down the white powdered donut in her hand. 

"Just getting some beer, what are you doing here?", I asked. Cassie looked like she had been crying and for some reason, she looked extremely beautiful tonight. 

"Lexi and I got into a huge fight, I can't even remember why", she slurred. I offered her my bottle which she gladly took. 

"You're a relationship kinda girl right?", I asked wondering if she was still seeing McKay. "I'm trying not to be", she muttered taking a huge sip out of the bottle. 

I gulped some alcohol down before taking a deep breath in. "You want a ride to the party?", I asked knowing she was invited as well. 

"Sure", she said and followed me into my truck. 

It felt freeing sitting in my truck with the windows completely down speeding through the streets of East Highland, maybe it was the alcohol that was making me feel free but maybe it was the fresh breeze of the night. 

I looked at Cassie who was sitting nervously next to me because she was so nervous she spilled some beer over her. "Oh fuck I'm all wet", she giggled. Did she just say that on purpose?

I gulped feeling my heart rate pick up. She looked at me shocked before grinning and pulling off her panties, she threw them in the back of my car. 

Note to self: Get the panties out before Mila thinks something happened. 

I bit down on my lip before I opened a new bottle handing it to the cousin of my girlfriend. Cassie took a sip before leaning her upper body out of the window. 

I have to be honest she looked fucking hot with the wind flying through her hair, for some reason she really turned me on. When she got back on her seat we were almost at the party. 

Mila's POV

"God he's such a fucking cunt", Maddy yelled while we were driving towards the party. "Girl if he doesn't treat you like a fucking princess tonight I will literally kill him". 

"I know Mads, I know", I said looking out of the window. "Yo Mi don't look that fucking sad honestly", Kat said from the back seat.

"He's just getting on my fucking nerves. He said he would change and he even promised that and now look at us, same shit over again", I whined. I was just drunk obviously which made me sadder than I normally would have been over this situation. 

"You just need something to drink", Jules said patting my shoulder from the other backseat. "I swear, you're gonna get fucking blacked out tonight. This will be our night ladies, you understand?", Maddy asked. 

The four of us cheered as we made it to the party. 

Maddy parked her car a bit further away so we could leave whenever without having to worry about people blocking our way out. The party was packed, there were people everywhere and the music from inside was booming. 

"I'm so excited", I smiled as Maddy offered me her hand, which I gladly took. The four of us made it inside the house and it already reeked of alcohol and weed. 

"Let's get shots", Maddy suggested. I agreed while the other two girls went away. 

Maddy and I downed the shots immediately, the burning sensation making me feel relaxed, and all of a sudden the Nate problem from earlier vanished into thin air. 

"I swear there are so many people here", Maddy said looking around. I spotted Lexi looking around so I quickly told Maddy that I was just gonna talk to Lexi for a second. 

"Yeah bitch but hurry I need to pee".

I giggled and went up to Lexi, "Hey Lex you alright?". "Oh good Mila you're here. Have you seen Cassie?", she asked looking panicked. 

"No why? Didn't she come with you?", I asked her confused. "Yeah, but we got into a screaming fight and she just got out of the car and now she is not responding", she explained. 

"But Cassie always responses", I muttered. "Yeah that's what's so weird", Lexi said. "Listen Lex, she'll get here eventually. We will all just try and call her the entire time", I said giving her a small smile. 

"You're right, but why did you come with Maddy and not with Nate?", Lexi asked confused. "Same story, Nate and I got into a fight and I got out", I giggled. 

"Oh are you okay?", Lexi asked. "Yeah I guess I just really have to pee, I will see you later Lex", I smiled at my cousin while searching for Maddy. 


Get ready for the chaos to begin 

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