2. "Bitch I don't believe a single word you're saying"

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Mila's POV

"But like honestly I don't want a boyfriend", Cassie mumbled as her, Maddy, and I were laying in the whirlpool. Maddy and I looked at each other confused, Cassie would never say anything like that. She was obsessed with being in relationships and being loved.

"I mean it you two, I think love is something super dark and that maybe it's time for me to just stay single. Single life is amazing isn't it", she said to us, or maybe more to herself. 

"Bitch I don't believe a single word you're saying", Maddy chuckled making me giggle. "But for real Cassie, this isn't like you. You love the feeling of being loved, we all do, and we all know. I bet you already have someone in your eye", Mila joked. 

"I don't, really", Cassie explained. 

"What about McKay?", Maddy asked. Cassie had told Maddy about her abortion right after it was done, even though it's only been three weeks Cassie was doing okay, of course she went through a depressive episode the first few days after the procedure but right now, she seemed fine. 

"We haven't really talked, I feel like we've just grown apart too much and the whole abortion thing made me realize that life is too short to even be sad", Cassie said. She was right, life is so short, you never know when it's going to be over. 

"What about you? Are you still like super in love?", Maddy asked splashing me with some water. "Maddy shut up", I laughed, "But yes, I am. Nate and I are on really good terms actually it's crazy".

"It's like so disgusting to watch you be happy", Cassie laughed but honestly her words kinda hurt. "Don't be rude you're just jealous", I said a little annoyed. 

"Mila I didn't mean it like that. You know I'm so happy that you finally found your true love", Cassie smiled.

Cassie knew that I had always dreamed of falling in love with someone that was my very own Prince Charming. 

"I swear he was never that sweet with me when we were dating. He used to be all psycho and abusive as fuck", Maddy explained making me tense up a little bit, I never wanted to think about that Nate ever again. 

I just laughed it off, "Yeah he's totally changed". 

"Okay bitches you wanna do the exchange now?", Cassie asked. The three of us and Lexi had decided to give each one of us our Christmas gifts the night before Christmas. 

"Yeah let's do it", Maddy cheered as we all got out of the hot tub, wrapping our towels around our bodies. 

We all quickly changed into some more warm and comfortable clothes and met Lexi downstairs in the living room. She was smiling at us with three perfectly wrapped presents in front of her. 

The three of us sat down and placed the presents in front of us. 

I got Cassie a few new skincare tools since she wanted to get more into that. For Lexi, I had bought a cute notebook with her name engraved in it, as well as a pretty pencil. Lexi had told me she wanted to write something like a play, so I thought that would be the perfect present then. 

For Maddy, I got a gift card for a shopping trip since we both wanted to go shopping together for our upcoming birthdays and a very pretty necklace with a rose quartz crystal pendant. Maddy had been telling me that she wanted to find the love of her life and maybe that necklace would actually help her find him or her. 

We exchanged our gifts with each other and for a second we were quiet unpacking. 

Lexi got me a new baby blue crew neck sweater that I was actually looking for everywhere. Cassie got me a few smaller things, she got me a few hair clips, a new face wash, a pair of silver sparkly earrings, and a new fragrance. Maddy got me a shopping gift card as well and a couple of new phone cases. On one of the phone cases, there was a photo of Kat, Lexi, Cassie, BB, Maddy, and I, which I immediately put on my phone. 

"You guys are the cutest", I smiled and we all gave each other a hug as a thank you. The rest of the night we drank hot chocolate and watched Christmas movies. I haven't been living in East Highland for long but this was a tradition we usually did around Christmas every year. 


Before I went to bed that night, I quickly texted Nate

from Mila to Nate<3 10:53 PM 

I'm going to bed now Baby, I got the cutest present from the girls

from Nate to Mi<3 10:53 PM

that's perfect Babe, can't wait to see you tomorrow

From Mila to Nate<3 10:54 PM 

Me either

from Nate to Mi<3 10:55 PM

my mom asked if you're still coming to dinner or if it's not okay for Suze

from Mila to Nate<3 10:55 PM

No, I'm coming, Suze and the girls and I are having breakfast and lunch together 

from Nate to Mi<3 10:55 PM

okay perfect Baby I'm gonna pick you up at 5 PM good night I love you<3

from Mila to Nate<3 10:56 PM

I can't wait, Good night love you 2 <3 

I put my phone down and smiled to myself, I know cheesy. I just loved him so much. 


The next morning I was woken up by Cassie and Lexi literally jumping onto me. 

"Merry Christmas", the yelled or kind of sang. I chuckled, "Merry Christmas". Even though they were super annoying sometimes I loved them both to death. 

We went downstairs and Suze actually outdid herself, the breakfast table was beautifully packed with lots of food. There were pancakes, fruits, bread, and much more. 

"Merry Christmas girls", she smiled as we all hugged her together. "Let's have some breakfast shall we".

We sat down and started to enjoy our food. "Hey Lex how is that play going you're writing", her mother asked. "Uhm I just started writing it so it's still not really anything", she explained to us shyly. "I can't wait to see it", I smiled knowing Lexi is one of the most talented people on this planet. 

"Are you having diner at Nate's?", Cassie asked taking a bite of her pancake. "Yeah, he's picking me up around 5 PM I think", I smiled. 

"What did you get your loverboy?", Suze asked with a grin playing on her lips. "I got him a little trip, just to the beach. I thought it would be nice to get away with him so I booked us a hotel for two nights at the beach", I explained. 

"That's adorable but remember don't get pregnant", Suze whispered and Cassie shot her a glare immediately, "Mom". Suze only raised her arms up in defense. 

After we had all finished eating it was time to unpack our presents. Suze got me a little black purse and I got her new makeup. "Thank you so much", I smiled hugging my aunt tightly. "I have another present for you Mila but I wanna give it to you or more likely offer it to you privately", Suze whispered in my ear. 

Cassie had gotten a few new clothes along with a hair straightener and Lexi had gotten a new red lipstick since she was obsessed with those and a new pair of shoes. 

Cassie and Lexi went upstairs, while I walked into the kitchen to talk to my aunt. "What is it you wanted to tell me?", I asked. Not gonna lie I was pretty excited about another present, I mean who doesn't like presents. 

"So Mila I know you've had a hard year, I mean you have been living here for the past few months and if I'm completely being honest I love having you here. I talked to your boyfriend about it already because we kinda got into that conversation the other day. But don't freak out this is just an offer", Suze began. 

She took my hands in hers and looked me deep in the eyes with a soft smile laying on her face. "Mila I wanted to ask you. Do you want to get adopted by me?"

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