3. "I truly want you to be all mine"

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Mila's POV

After my aunt asked me if she wanted me to be adopted by her, the world stood still. I couldn't tell you how long, I just stared at her but it felt like ages. 

Tears started forming in my eyes as I realized what she had just asked me. This was something I had been talking about with Nate a lot of times, it was what I truly wanted. 

Suze had always been more of a mother to me than my own. Don't get me wrong, I'm grateful for what she had done for me and for raising me in general but she just wasn't what a mother was supposed to be.

So after some moments of silence, I finally got a word out, "I would love to be your daughter". 

Suze just smiled at me excitedly and pulled me into a tight hug which I returned immediately. "I'm so happy Baby", she smiled at me. 

"But do you think my mother will accept that?", I asked her scared. "Actually she had asked me already when she gave you away Mi. And even if she is against it you're going to be eighteen next year then you can decide on your own", Suze explained quietly. 

Her word felt like a knife had been stabbed in my stomach. Of course, I was happy about finally getting a mother that actually cared for me but then again, my own mother wanted to get rid of me. I don't even have an idea how she's going to cover that up. 

"If you want it we can get straight into it, but I totally understand if you need a little bit more time to decide", Suze smiled handing me the papers for adoption. "Thank you, I will definitely fill everything in and hand it back to you as soon as possible. This is seriously the best Christmas present ever", I cried as we hugged again. 

After we got out of our hug I went up to my cousin's room, I couldn't wait to tell them that we were going to be siblings soon. 

I knocked on their door and went inside. Cassie was doing her makeup and Lexi was reading a novel. "Guys, you're about to get a new sister", I smiled. 

"Oh god is mom really pregnant", Cassie groaned. 

"No it's me, she just asked me if I want her to adopt me", I explained. Lexi didn't even say a word but got up and pulled me into a tight hug and so did Cassie right after. 

"Oh my god this is seriously the best present ever", they cheered. 

I knew I had another family but this is what family feels like. We support each other and I have never felt more understood or loved in my entire life. 


After we had lunch together I quickly changed my clothing into a black dress that was tied around my waist. "You look beautiful", Cassie said as I made my way towards the front door. 

"Thanks, Cas", I smiled. "Have fun". 

I went outside and saw Nates' truck immediately a huge grin appeared on my face as I climbed into his car attacking him with kisses. 

"Hey Baby", he chuckled as I kissed him all over his face. "Hey cutie", I smiled. "God you look amazing", he said taking a look at me. 

"I need to tell you something exciting", I smiled at him. "Tell me". 

"Suze just asked me if I want her to adopt me"

It was quiet for a second but then he began to grin and pulled me into a tight hug "I am so happy for you baby". 

As we pulled away from our hug we began driving over to his house. When we arrived it already smelled like Christmas dinner outside, which made me even more excited. 

We opened the door and immediately greeted everyone. I gave Nate's parents a bottle of red wine and I handed Aron a new notebook for his college studies. 

"Hey honey", Marsha greeted me hugging me as well as Cal. We all sat down at the beautifully decorated table. 

"So Mila how have you been?", Cal asked taking a bite of his food. "I'm amazing actually", I smiled. 

"Do you guys have plans for new years?", Marsha asked Nate and I. "Yeah, we have a party we're going to. Everyone is going", he told his mother. 

Throughout the dinner, the small talk kept going which wasn't really awkward just very relaxing and easy. 


"Can you give me the plates honey?", Marsha asked me while she was doing the dishes, I gladly helped her. "I am actually so happy for you and Nate, you guys still seem so much in love", she said while I handed her the plates. 

"Thank you", I smiled. 

"You know when he was still dating Maddy I was so scared that she would be my daughter-in-law one day. I just couldn't stand her but when I met you, I immediately knew you would be the perfect daughter-in-law and the perfect girlfriend for my Nate", she smiled to herself. 

"Hey Babe, you wanna go upstairs? I wanna give you your present", Nate said coming into the kitchen. I looked at Marsha for approval, I didn't just want to leave her alone with the rest of the dishes. 

Marsha smiled at me and mentioned towards Nate with her head, signaling me to go upstairs with him. 

Nate and I went upstairs and closed the door behind us. "I missed you", he whispered while he pulled me close. "I missed you too", I said while he placed soft kisses on my lips. 

"I swear I am so happy with you. I am incredibly grateful for you, you're literally the best person I have ever met. I swear I don't know how I deserve you, I want you to have my babies one day and actually marry me eventually", he said while getting out a little box. 

"You're not proposing are you?", I jokingly asked making him chuckle. "No don't worry, but I wanna give you this ring as a promise to everything. I wanna change for you, I wanna be there for you and I truly want you to be all mine", he whispered while placing the ring on my finger. 

"Nate this is just-", I said missing all the words to describe his present. He placed a light kiss on my forehead making me look up at him. "Thank you". 

"You're welcome", he smiled down at me. 

"Well my present isn't as romantic as yours is but here", I smiled giving him the little envelope that held our booked hotel and all the information in it. 

He looked through everything while a huge smile appeared on his lips. "This is exactly what we need. I love you Baby thank you", he said placing his soft lips on mine before pulling me into a hug. 

"I love you too Nate", I smiled against his chest.


A little Mila and Nate chapter for you <3

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