Pringles and Propositions

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Bruce PoV:

I was in a the store getting snacks for the team. Ever since Tony had freaked out about Steve being beaten, we'd been out on patrol everynight and I figured that we could use a pick me up in the form of the only good green thing.

Sour cream and onion Pringles.

I had one tube in each hand and was about to go up and pay when I glanced to my left and saw some teenager stuffing vegetables up their jumper. Granted vegetables weren't the food the of choice for your average shoplifting but that didn't change that they were indeed stealing those groceries.

Maybe there was a good reason? The least I could do was give them a chance to explain. That was the issue I had with Steve's actions last week. He didn't give the kid a chance to list his reasons for, well, admittedly being armed- but they still should've gotten a chance!

Well there's nothing I can do about that now, but I can talk to this kid nicely at least.

I took a step so we were about two metres away and cleared my throat to gain their attention. They swung around with their fists raised and I couldn't help but frown. When I looked from their fighting stance to their face, my mood quickly brightened.

'It's you!'

They looked at me warily before they realised who I was and they relaxed - slightly.

'Coffee shop guy, yeah?'

'Yeah that's me. So... Whatcha doing there?'

I gestured to his stuffed jumper pockets and he blushed bright red.

'Well- I- Er-' They sighed. 'I've run out of money and it's been ages since I had something other than tourists' abandoned hotdogs.' They looked down and scuffed their shoes on the floor. 'Are you going to make me put it back?'

As much as I knew I should, I couldn't do it. Maybe it was something in the defeated slope of their shoulders, maybe it was what they'd told me, but I just couldn't bring myself to take what seemed to be their only nutritious food in quite a while.

So instead, I stuck my hand out and said, 'Hey, I'm Bruce Banner. He/him.'

They looked at me confused but I just smiled encouragingly and extended my hand a bit more.

Slowly, they reciprocated my actions. They placed their calloused hand in mine and shook speedily before withdrawing it again. 'Peter Johnson, he/him. Not to be rude or anything but why are we introducing ourselves?'

I grinned. 'Well if we know each others names then we're basically accquaintences and that's pretty much friends. And if we're friends, I can pay for your stuff.'

Personally, I thought my solution was brilliant but the kid, 'Peter' didn't agree.

'I can't ask you to do that Mr. Banner!'

That was surprisingly nice of him. Even still, I couldn't let him go hungry or steal so this was the only solution.

'Nonsense, I can't let you go hungry. Think of it as a thank you for last week.'

Peter still look reluctant but he eventually nodded. 'Thank you. I mean it Mr Banner.'

I smiled in return. 'Call me Bruce.'


Once we'd paid up I hesitantly said, 'Can I ask you something?'

Peter smirks slightly and jokingly quips, 'You just did.' But his jovial tone doesn't match the look in his eyes. They are those of a soldier that's seen and been through too much. They look like Nat's and Bucky's when I first met them both.

Peter raises an eyebrow and I realised I'd been staring silent for a weirdly long time. I clear my throat and take his lack of objection as a go-ahead.

'You look about twenty one and most twenty one years old are in college and living with roommates but earlier you said, I ran out of food. Not we.'

Peter stiffens up and his face becomes unreadable but I push on.

'And you said you were eating tourists' hotdogs... Peter, are you living on the streets?'

He stays silent and emotionless. It's not a yes but it might've well have been.

'That's not safe, Peter. I know that-'

He cuts me off.

'Look Mr Banner, it was very nice of you to buy me food but I'm not about to spill my life story to you. Thank you for the food, I mean it, but I'll be going now.'

And with that, Peter starts to walk away.

I immediately start to curse my stupidity. Of course he wouldn't want to open up to me. But I still have to help somehow. And not just by buying him a couple of days worth of food. So I jog up to him and wait for him to stop.

Percy's PoV:

When I heard Bruce run up to me I paused. On the one hand, I really didn't want to continue our conversation. But on the other, the dude bought me a weeks worth of food, the least I could do was be respectful and kind like Mom taught me.

So, reluctantly, I turned to face him.

He shuffled his feet a bit but looked to me with a semi-pleading expression. 'At least let me cook you dinner. It wouldn't be a problem and I can make a mean lasagne.'

Bruce seemed like he genuinely wanted to help but I'd been betrayed before. What's to say it wouldn't happen again?

On the other hand... lasange.

I hadn't had a good meal in ages and he did say it wouldn't be a bother...


Bruce was obviously pleased by my answer but he didn't say anything and I was grateful for that. He gestured for me to follow him and walked towards a fancy, expensive looking black car with tinted windows. I guess buying my groceries really wouldn't trouble Bruce.

The car ride over wasn't exactly awkward... More, uncomfortable. I tried to stay still but obviously that was the perfect opportunity for my ADHD to act up. My knee was bouncing like crazy and my finger just wouldn't stop drumming. When I caught Bruce looking over I smiled apologetically.

"Sorry, ADHD is a real pain sometimes."

"It's fine, I have a friend who likes to play music at max volume when I'm trying to concentrate so I've learnt to be basically immune to noise."

"Damn, if they were my friend I would've drowned their speakers."

"Believe me, I've been tempted."

I chuckle but then think of how Leo used to bug the whole Hephaestus cabin by singing at the top of his lungs while working and my grin fades.

He would never get to do that again, and it was all my fault.

I think Bruce caught on to my change in mood because he switched on the radio to whichever station didn't have someone screeching like a banshee and I was grateful for it.

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