Missing: Rigor Mortis- If Found, Call Percy Jackson

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An alarm went off around the same time Loki, Bucky and I arrived on Cutie's floor. I cocked my head towards the ceiling -where the noise was coming from- and could hear hurried footsteps coming from above. I looked to Bucky but just shrugged, not seeming bothered. Since he had a lack of any real concern, I decided it probably wasn't all that important.

Noticing Loki standing off to the side as they eyed all the possible exits -there weren't many- I wished I knew how to put them at ease. They'd already been treated like shit by someone -likely multiple someones- in this tower, I refused to let them feel any worse.

Bucky must've been thinking something along the same lines because he wandered over while deliberately making his footsteps audible so as to not startle the god. "I was thinking, you probably haven't had much food in a while. It's around lunch time anyway so how 'bout you keep Percy and I company while I make hot dogs? Oh, and any chance I could get your pronouns? You introduced yourself as a prince, but it'd still be wrong to assume."

Loki blinked for a moment before rearranging their features to give away nothing. It had to be said, they were amazing at it. Despite the absence of facial expression, Loki's tone was still polite when they replied. "A... warm canine would be much appreciated; you are correct in the assumption that I have not eaten in a while. I mostly use he/him pronouns but occasionally I go by she/her. Don't worry, it will be obvious when I do."

Huh. Interesting. I don't think even Chiron spoke so formally. Well, Loki did say he was a prince and it wasn't like he didn't have a posture Aphrodite would be proud of to prove it.

Buck smiled quickly and walked off towards the kitchen, waiting for us to follow. It was only the many years practice of reading my uncles' and aunts' impassive faces that allowed me to detect the slightest flicker of uncertainty in Loki's eyes. It made sense, to be honest. If two handsome randos had rescued me from being chained up and offered me food within an hour of knowing me, I'd probably be confused too. Still, we were in the hall and the hot dogs were not so that obviously couldn't continue.

Faking as much confidence as I could, I strode up to Loki and grabbed his hand, shooting him my best grin. "C'mon, your highness, I hungry and you must be even more so. Besides, you'll kick yourself if you miss the chance to eat the hotdog warm." I then proceeded to tug with me to the kitchen about as gently as you can pull someone along behind you.

Loki's PoV:

I'd been stunned the moment the young man had taken my hand. It was a rather bold move on his part but not one I intend to hold against him and not what was so shocking. It was what I'd sensed. A thrum of power so foreign and new I was lucky he was looking back to see the pure bewilderment on my face. This power was almost... godly.

I carefully assessed him from behind as I allowed him to drag to the source of a very pleasant scent. There was very little outwardly to show any sign of holiness, but gods come in all forms. Looking closer, there were clues. But they were small hints at most. Just a few too many faint scars on his knuckles, the confident set to his shoulders, the lithe gracefulness with which he walked that belonged only to a seasoned warrior. Not some drunk who'd had a fair few to many at the local tavern, someone who'd honed their skill, who could silence their steps with little to no effort. It was surprising that he could impress me despite there being no shortage of warriors in Asgard, but yet, he could.

Now that I thought on it, the other one -Bucky?-  was similar. As we had walked to the elevating box, no sound of rubber hitting concrete could be heard. However, when he'd approached me minutes ago the noise had been clear and obvious. Was it perhaps on purpose? But, if so, why?

I filed these thoughts away for later consideration as we entered the cooking space and both Percy and I froze as a truly brilliant sight lay before us.

A song about someone called Jeffery Bezos was playing as Bucky danced to while cooking. The man was moving his hips and nodding his head slightly and a quick glance to Percy confirmed I was not the only one to notice what I'd heard some Midguarians refer to as 'a fine piece of cake'.

To my left -where Percy was standing- I heard a loud, dramatic sigh. Bucky must've heard it too because he span around and looked bright red. When I went to ask what the unusual -not quite Midgardian- Midgardian was doing, he'd disappeared.

Sort of.

Looking further down, I saw Percy sprawled on the floor. "That is the worst imitation of a dead person I've ever seen," I state, bemused.

Bucky nods -keen to move on from his interesting dancing- and chips in. "For starters, rigor mortis has left the group chat."

I chuckle as the godly (maybe) being before us sits up and pouts. Bucky and I both just smirk at him and Percy groans annoyedly before dropping to the floor again. Theatrically, he declares, "I'm dropping dead from all the gorgeous in the room! Again!"

Bucky blushes and goes back to his cooking but I shrug before copying Percy's bizarre yet somewhat endearing actions. He twists his head to look at me next to him on the floor and shoots me a radiant smile that I can't help but return with a small grin of my own.

"Hmmm," the (sort of)Midgardian muses, "this is a good floor. Nice. Reliable. Not to mention the view." Percy takes my hand, sits up while pulling me with him, points to Bucky's arse before collapsing back to the floor taking me with him again. He doesn't let of my hand.

From in front of us, the designated chef among us calls back, "If your going to objectify my ass so blatantly you can at least lay the table." He points to a stack of dishes and cutlery.

Percy winks at me before jumping up and doing as requested. "I'm ever so sorry, Cutie. You're right; I shouldn't be so rude. My mother would have a fit," a dark, sad look briefly takes over his face but it passes like a cloud before I can inquire about it. "However," Percy's exuberance has returned, "I also adore you for your cooking, your bed, and your wit. So, I think that redeems me, no?"

Bucky laughed good-naturedly and places a tray of upon the table- a clear signal that the food was ready. Rising from my bed on the floor, I copy the others in drawing out a stool. Bucky is looking at me contemplatively and I raise an eyebrow in question. Taking the hint, he talks. "Loki, do you think nicknames can be gendered?"

I think briefly. "No, not particularly."

"So, so long as it is used positively, a nickname won't misgender someone?"

Where on earth is he going with this? Percy's eyes light up as he realises what Bucky is hinting at even if I do not and they both look to me expectantly. My words a slow but I do not deny them their answer. "I suppose not."

The pair beam and I am almost bowled over. I hadn't taken a moment to appreciate the beauty that either of them possessed before now but... Curse Odin's ratty, knotted beard, they are both stunning.

Shooting a smirk at Percy, Bucky piles a bun that holds some sort of meat onto my plate. "Well, that's certainly good to know, sweetheart."  Were I drinking anything, it would've surely been snorted out my nose and I fight fiercely to not blush. Very well, three can play at that game.

Clearing my throat, I say, "I quite agree, Sunshine. And might I say, you have a incandescent smile." I smile wickedly before turning to Percy. "Are you quite well, darling? You've gone quite a rouge colour." I feign innocence as the two gape at me while blushing furiously.

a/n: sooooooo, i late as shit. oops. sorry. but was this too much? like with the nicknames and stuff? its fun to write fluff so ur gonna have to tell me when to reel it in.

also, you all are awesome readers so thank you so much to everyone who's commented, voted, followed or even just glanced at this disaster of a fanfic

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