Arrest Me Already!

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It took two weeks, hours of CCTV, FRIDAY's help, and a hell of a lot of arguing, but, eventually, they had an address for the 'Peter Johnson' kid. Sort of.

To be honest, they knew almost nothing about him. Just his face and the address of a place he visited every Saturday. Here's the weird thing, though. According to government records, the graveyard that 'Peter' frequented didn't even exist. It was only the security camera footage from a nearby sandwich shop that had glimpsed the place for a second. So far as they could tell, it was a large, open green space filled with grave stones.

When Bruce, Nat and Bucky had heard that this was the only place that 'Peter' was spotted regularly, they'd gone very quiet and retreated into their rooms. The rest of the team had shrugged it off and continued plotting the ambush.

Percy's PoV:

It was Saturday.

That meant it was time to visit them. It was always torture to do so. I hated the stupid daffodils I put on their graves to try and make them just a little bit original. So they didn't get lost in the sea of the dead.

But I could never stop going. Stop saying sorry. Because it was all my fault they weren't here and I would never be able to apologise enough for that.

There were several someones following and I should probably care more about that right now, but I wasn't going to fight anyone in the graveyard that held so many of my friends. I had a job to do and words to say that were more important than interrogating some nosy mortals.

Clenching my fists around the flowers, I stepped through the celestial bronze arch. I knew exactly where their graves were. My feet were already taking me through the rows and columns of granite to my first stop. Crouching, I traced the carved letters with my finger.

TW: depressing shiz

Frank Zhang


A fallen member of the Seven and son of Mars

"Hey Frank," I whispered, "I met someone who reminded me of you a couple of weeks ago. They were just as kind. They even invited me back to theirs for lasagne. Can you believe it?" My voice cracked on the next words. "I'm so sorry. It's all my fault. I wish I could trade my life for yours. All of yours. I'm so so sorry."

Tears raced down my face as I held back sobs. Placing a daffodil by the granite block that was all I had of my friend, I moved on.

Annabeth Chase


A fallen member of the Seven and daughter of Athena

"H-hey Annie. I miss you so much. I wish you were all here with me. If you could be see me now, you'd be so ashamed. I'm sorry I didn't die with you like I should've- so so sorry." The headstone was blurry through my tears now and my body was racked with sobs as I placed down a second daffodil.

The people behind me were getting closer but I didn't care -couldn't care- about that right now. They wanted to see some big show? This is what they get. Me and my apologies to the people that are hating me from the Underworld.

Hazel Levesque

1928-1942   1950-2022

A fallen member of the Seven and daughter of Pluto

Here lay the girl who had to dates of death. Only, this one was permanent.

"Hello Hazel. How are you? I was stealing this tourist's cheeseburger the other day, and their kid was named Hazel. They weren't kind like you. Or short like you. They weren't the little sister that you were to me. I hate that you're down there. I hate that I'm not there with you. I hate that I couldn't protect you like I should've. I miss you."

Putting down another flower, I knew where to go next.

Sally Jackson


A brave woman and friend of Poseidon

"Hi Mom. I love you. On your stone, they put "a brave woman and friend of Poseidon".  But you were so much more than that Mom. You were stronger than anyone knew. I'm sorry I wasn't the son you deserved. I'm sorry I wasn't good enough. I wish I could've saved you. And Paul. And Estelle. I know you didn't have a name for her yet, but in my head she was always Estelle. I was going to suggest it when I visited for the last time. I was meant to disappear and that was meant to protect you all. But it didn't. I was too slow. Too dumb. Too-"

No one's PoV:

Through each and every word of 'Peter's' heart breaking speeches, the crew of super heroes had remained silent. But this last one, these broken apologies to a lost mother, they were too much for Clint. He couldn't shake the image of his own kids speaking to his grave one day. He would never want them to blame themselves like that.

He took a step towards the broken figure, whether it was to go and comfort him or leave him in peace even Clint didn't know.

Only, like a cliché movie, his foot landed on a twig that snapped with a huge CRACK.

'Peter' stiffened and his hands flew to his face to wipe away the tears.

"Y'know, most people like to mourn in privacy." he said as he turned to face them. Unfortunately, this gave Tony the perfect camera view to run 'Peter' through facial recognition.

"Well, Percy Jackson, most people aren't possible terrorists." shot back the billionaire.

That got a rise out of Percy. His face transformed into one of utter fury -that had everyone backing away slightly- and he took a threatening step towards Tony. "I. Am. Not. A. Terrorist. I'm just a normal civilian."

"Normal civilians shouldn't be able to overpower me," replied Steve.

Percy looked over to him and the super soldier started to look more than a little uncomfortable under his glare. "Well now, someone thinks highly of themself."

That got under Steve's skin. "It's not me gloating! It's just a fact! A "normal civilian" shouldn't be able to overpower a super soldier!"

Percy tipped his head to the side with  a confused expression. "What's a super soldier? Is that like a soldier that's had loads of training? Did you win an award and decide to make everyone call you that? Because, for a guy that denied gloating, that would be a very gloaty thing to do. And-"

"Pete- Percy?" Bruce interrupted.

"Yeah, Coffee Shop Bruce?"

The others snorted with laughter as Bruce continued. "You kind of got distracted."

Percy shrugged. "It happens. Where were we?"

Tony spoke again. "You about to come with us to live under observation at the tower."

Percy levelled him with a look. "I most certainly not. Other than those brilliant biceps," Percy pointed to Bucky as the blushing soldier furiously glared at the people that started to laugh, "I have no reason to go anywhere with you."

Steve, having recovered himself from almost bursting out laughing at Bucky, said seriously, "Terrorists -even possible ones- can't roam free."

Percy seemed unaffected by being called a terrorist this time and pondered for a minute before asking, "Will there be food?"

Steve sighed exasperatedly and replied, "Yes, there will be food."

That brought a handsome (at least in Bucky's opinion) grin to Percy's face. "Well, what are you waiting for then? Arrest me already!"

a/n: hmmm all in all, not a bad chapter

Percy Jackson, the Seriously Attractive Snake, and the Ex-Winter SoldierOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant