Impatient patience and sleep deprived deities

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Waking up with a potential criminal snuggling deep into your side is like a lot of things in life. You love while knowing that you really shouldn't. Still, I couldn't help but notice how Percy's bedhead looked so fluffy and brilliant. When, fifteen minutes later, he started stirring my first reaction was to shut my eyes and pretend I was still asleep. Solid plan, right?

Percy's PoV:

I knew that the cutie was still awake. He'd been watching me for at least the past ten minutes and I'd be seriously surprised if he somehow fell asleep just as I decided to "wake up". Still, no harm in having a little fun with this. An evil smirk took over my face and it was hard to keep the glee from my voice.

Whispering softly, I murmured, "He looks so adorable when he's asleep." It wasn't a lie, either. Bucky's eyelids fluttered briefly but nothing else happened. Hmmm, so I need to try a little harder.

"I wonder if he's into guys, though. Oh the hardship of a heteronormalized world." A lip twitch but nothing more. Progress, but I can do better.

"I've heard arguments about who's the prettiest, but none of them have mentioned you, cutie. That's rather fortunate, as I can get a bit possessive and I would hate to do something that would give anyone a real reason to call me a criminal."

At this, Bucky's eyes flew open and he sat up quickly. I laughed as I hopped from the bed and snatched a jumper from the floor. His eyes were wide and Bucky looked somewhere in between dazed and shocked as I put on the hoodie and looked to him expectantly. "We've both been up for ages now, I reckon some breakfast is in order." Just to rub it in and see how far I could take it, I winked and added, "or we could... linger here for a while."

Poor cutie pie went awfully red and started spluttering. "Don't worry il mio lupo, I'm just messing." Bucky flushed at the nickname a little before realising what I was wearing.

"Hey! You don't get to flirt with me and steal my clothes! You're not my boyfriend!"

I raise my eyebrow.

"So you do swing my way?" Poor guy went even redder and I decided to cut him a break before he started to plot my murder. "Anyway, pancakes or waffles?"

Bucky eyed me warily but got up. "Personally, waffles anytime. But Steve will have already made breakfast so we better get there fast before it all gets eaten."

A switch flipped in my head and I immediately raced out the room and to the stairs at full speed. There was no chance in Ha- hell that someone was going to eat my waffles.

Behind me I heard quick footsteps, telling me that the supersnack -sorry, soldier- was following after me.

I paused when I reached the door that led to the kitchen, remembering what had happened last night. What if I hurt someone? What if I killed someone? I already had so much blood on my hands, I don't know if I could make it through if another person died at my blade- be it kitchen knife or Riptide.

"This one time," I turned to see Bucky looking at me like he knew exactly what I felt, "I had a bad dream, a really bad dream, and I woke up to see my hands around Steve's neck. He had tried to wake me up and my reflex almost killed him. I thought that I was going to get labelled 'too dangerous' and locked up, but Steve just hugged me. That's one of the best things about him. He knows when words won't work."

It was a very reassuring speech, even if I did start to wonder if they were dating. Shooting Bucky a grateful smile, I opened the door and strode into the kitchen.

3rd person

When the demigod had first walked in it got all quiet but they quickly started to converse again- if not noticeably quieter. The actual consumption of food had awkward but alright as well. Sort of. It had taken a few minutes, but Bruce soon realised that Percy didn't intend to have more than the one plum he'd already eaten.

Percy Jackson, the Seriously Attractive Snake, and the Ex-Winter SoldierWhere stories live. Discover now