The rich and famous get the best graves

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They had tried to put handcuffs on Percy but he had given them a glare so full of aggression that the metal loops had been hastily put away again. It was safe to say that car ride back to the tower had been awkward as Hell.

Five of them -Percy, Tony, Natasha, Bucky, and Clint-were in one car and everyone else was squished into the other Landrover. The silence was almost visible it was so thick and Tony's eyes were determinedly fixed on the road for a change.

When it got too much, Clint cleared his throat and attempted to make polite conversation. Unfortunately for him, he picked a very unwise topic of discussion.

"So, Percy, what was that place? It's not on any maps."

At the question, Percy stopped staring into space and snapped his head round to look at Clint. Percy's eyes were stormy and the had the rage of an uncontrollable sea in them. Clint relied on years of training to not look away.

"I am somewhat," Percy's voice was soft but that just made emphasised how close he was to breaking something... Or someone. He took a pause to find the right word. "Volatile, right now. Maybe asking severely unwise  questions like that is not a good idea right now."

The way Percy said "right now" made it seem like he actually meant "never ever if you want to keep all your limbs", but no one commented on it.

Clint took the hint and tried again with a different question. "How old are you?"

Percy looked at him -without hostility this time- and answered, "Twenty one. You?"

A little unsure at the drastic change in mood, Clint answered slowly. "Thirty seven."

"Hmmm. Lucky."

Clint's eyebrows drew together in confusion. "What? Why?"

"Because you got to get that old." The ominous tone that Percy answered in had Clint opening his mouth to ask another question but Bucky cut across him before he asked something that would get the archer's limbs damaged in painful ways.

"You will never guess how old I am." Bucky joke caught Percy's attention and he turned to the super soldier with a smirk.

"You'd be surprised."

Bucky just raised an eyebrow in response.

Percy had spent enough time with Nico, Bianco, Hazel and the many other Greeks who had been misplaced in time to have a very good chance of getting the answer right.

"Well, you obviously aren't from this time. Bucky isn't going to be your real name- probably more of a nickname. From your accent, I'd say twentieth century Brooklyn. You obviously got frozen but it can't have been in the Lotus because you'd either have not gotten out or you'd recognise where we just were. Judging by your fighting style and stance from earlier, it was a mixture of America in the 1940s and something else. With that in mind, and a few other things, I'd say 106 but paused/frozen at 27."

Everyone sat in stunned silence and they were quite lucky that Tony had already parked up. Percy just grinned at their gobsmacked expressions. "Am I right?"

Bucky recovered first. With an incredulous smile, he said, "Off by one year but other than that, yes."

"Aw I thought I had it right on!" Percy pouted and Bucky's attention was immediately found his attention drawn to the twenty one year old's lips.

Fortunately for anyone but the readers of this fanfic, that was when the car stopped in the tower's parking garage and the now blushing super soldier hastened to get out of the car. He wasn't sure where all those feelings were coming from and wasn't sure what to do about it at all. 

Percy Jackson, the Seriously Attractive Snake, and the Ex-Winter SoldierWhere stories live. Discover now