Salute To Scary Boss Ladies, Always.

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It was safe to say Percy's reintroduction to the Tower hadn't exactly gone smoothly. That is to say, knives where throw, accusations were made, the Steve's swear monitor exploded, and arms were waved emphatically.

Eventually, it had gotten so chaotic that a Pepper came up to the main floor with a copy of Reyna's most terrifying angry face. On recognising the expression, Percy had immediately stood to attention -salute and all. Back ramrod straight and addressing her as "ma'am" the whole time, Percy apologised for the noise. Tony had muttered "suck-up" and a few of the others agreed but they all regretted not copying Percy once they saw Pepper smile at him. After she had gotten the full story out of everyone, Pepper had directed Percy to a guest room and assured him FRIDAY didn't have access to his room without permission.

The entire room gulped as she fixed her rage on them the moment Percy was out the door.

After getting all the details -locks on the outside and all- Pepper had sworn that they'd regret it if they didn't treat Loki and Percy with due respect. The scariest part was when she suddenly smiled and declared that her schedule was clear enough for Pepper to have dinner with the group.

And that's where they were now. At a huge dinner table, with each chair filled, and only the delightful sound of chewing to fill the room.

"So," Percy finally said, "you guys, gals, and gender non-conforming pals know any magic?"

Tony snorted, "Why, you trying to take over the world too?"

Percy rolled his eyes but tried to but glanced at Pepper and tried to be nice-ish. "No, not yet. I figured we could do some card tricks. Y'know, the fun version of magic that doesn't have me at the mercy of Mr. Tall, Dark, and Slightly Evil."

Bruce did a spit take all over Clint, who was currently recovering from a minor bout of choking.Tony smirked to Percy in a bizarre yet welcome change of heart. The two nicknaming wild cards exchanged respect as fellow mayhem creators. The truce was sealed as Tony said, "I wasn't aware Buckaroo could do magic. Are you sure you don't mean Harry Potter's evil twin?"

And just like that, the great Jackson-Stark rivalry was abandoned in favour of chaos.

"Hmmm, no, I don't mean the Confusing Dentist, I mean the Dalek from outer space."

As the table dissolved into uncontrollable laughter and Loki became more and more confused, Tony gave Percy a thoughtful look. "Dalek from outer space... Do they have weird weapons, and odd inability to negotiate peace talks and look way cooler because of the make-up?"

It's Percy turn to fake confusion. "No, those are your things." Tony choked on his coffee. "I mean the tall drink of poisonous water with an odd attachment to leather."

By now Clint had fallen off his chair laughing, Bucky was bewildered, and Loki wasn't sure if he was being insulted or not.

Tony smirked and asked, "which one," as he pointed to Natasha and Bucky. He immediately regretted it, upon seeing their faces. But, as Percy had broken down laughing, Tony wondered if it was worth the coffee machine the ex-spies were probably plotting to break as revenge. His wondering came back negative, but it was the hesitant thought that counted.

After that, dinner had gone well, the majority of the tension had drained away and the conversation flowed amicably.

It wasn't until Percy left for the relative safety of his room and found a note on his bed that the world came crashing back down. Percy wouldn't be surprised if another grey streak appeared.

We need to talk about the river. Be in the common room an hour from now.

"Fuck," sighed Percy. He'd almost forgotten how perilously close mortals were to knowing things they really, definitely shouldn't.

Percy spent the hour pacing and trying to think what was best course of action. By the time there was only five minutes left, his best plan was using the Mist to his advantage. It wasn't his best plan, admittedly, but it was something.

Pocketing Riptide, just in case, and thanking the gods that the others were busy arguing in the kitchen, Percy made walked to the living room. He approached it like it would attack him at any moment. In his defence, it was sort of possible.

When he opened the door, Natasha nodded her greeting and Percy returned it stiffly. He stood, waiting for her to start making accusations. After an awkwardly silent minute, he was thoroughly confused when she signalled for him to shut up and follow her.

Natasha led Percy up several flights of stairs and they eventually made it out onto the roof. The pair of seasoned soldiers stood, eying each other and waiting. Natasha spoke first.

"You have magic." It was a statement, and one that would be very hard to refute.

"No I don't." Worth a shot, right?

"Lie to me again and I get the others involved." Fuck, never mind.

"What do you want?" There, that was a better starting point.

"To know what else is out there with power as dangerous as yours." Ouch, that one hurt. Percy knew he was dangerous. He knew it the moment defeated Nyx to protect Annabeth, only to see his Wise Girl flinch away from him. It didn't make it hurt any less.

But that wasn't what was important right now. He had to deal with the spy. Praying to Poseidon that she wasn't clear-sighted, Percy snapped his fingers.

"The light filtering through the water made it seem as if I was glowing, but it was just the sunlight. You passed out on the fall down and woke when I dragged you out of the river. I have no power or magic for you to fear."

Percy watched, filled with guilt, as the spy's eyes clouded over while he spoke. When he'd finished, she gave him a long, assessing look. It appeared she saw what he had intended, because she nodded and gave a half smile.

"Sorry about that. You can understand why I would be wary of any new magicks, though, what with Loki and all."

Percy smiled in relief and nodded back. "Yeah, I get it. I would have done the same." He wouldn't have, but that wasn't important.

The exchanged polite 'good night's before heading of to bed. Natasha, reassured that Jackson was no great source of concern, and Percy with guilt gnawing at his insides. It never felt right to use the Mist like that. No matter how necessary.

Little did he know, there was far more deceit to follow.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 09, 2023 ⏰

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Percy Jackson, the Seriously Attractive Snake, and the Ex-Winter SoldierWhere stories live. Discover now