Those Poor Civilians, Always Getting Cursed

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After saying his goodbyes to his mother, Percy hadn't been quite sure what he was expecting. An ambush? A fight? But what he was in no way prepared for was what Clint actually said.

"Can I buy you some lunch?"

There was a moment where Percy just stared in shock at the assassin. He had stayed in his non-threatening place on the ground. Percy searched his face for any hint of a lie but couldn't find one. That didn't mean it wasn't a trap, though.

"You could. If I was certain this wasn't some kind of set-up. Only, I'm not, so you can't."

Clint wanted to argue but knew it was fair. "What if you picked the spot? I'll pay and we can talk or sit in silence and then you can ask me to leave you alone if you want."

Percy tilted his head to the side. This offer was brilliant, which was why he was almost certain it was too good to be true. "Sorry, I'm sure you understand that I can't risk it."

Seeing that he was fighting a losing battle, Clint made a last ditch attempt. "Please, I have kids of my own and I would never want them out in the cold. Especially when people have no problem giving them hell!" The spy gestured to the bruises with his last words.

Percy snorted and muttered, "you have no idea how right you are," but nodded in acquiescence. "Fine, but if this is a trap I will come after each and everyone of you."

Clint beamed, ignoring the threat and getting up from the damp earth. "Fair's fair. So, where would you like to go?"

Percy warily gave the name of the nearest café with more than one exit. Clint made sure to keep in line with Percy as they walked. Too far behind would imply betrayal; too far ahead would suggest Clint was leading Percy into a trap.

Percy was aware of this careful pace and wasn't sure if it was suspicious or considerate. He settled on a mix of the two.

The space between them was quiet, even as they ordered coffee and waffles. The pair snuck glances at each other. Clint was checking Percy wasn't about to bolt. Percy was checking Clint wasn't about to cuff him.

It wasn't the most relaxing atmosphere but there was an unspoken easy truce.Clint waited until Percy's plate was clean to ask anything. "Bucky was right. I don't know if that has anything to do with your slightly lethal escape plan, but regardless. Prince Loki's treatment was abysmal and should never have happened."

Percy met his eyes, surprise flickering in sea green orbs at the archer's evident shame and guilt. Slowly nodding, Percy said, "you're right. I hope you know that an experience like that is enough to traumatise someone for life."

Clint winced but didn't deny what he knew was true."How is he now?" There were several questions behind what Percy actually said. Clint read between the lines and answered them all.

"He still can't leave the tower, but he is on Bucky's floor. Bucky insisted on it. He has regular meals and the only restraints he wears is a magic inhibitor." It felt uncomfortable reassuring Percy that New York's latest invader was safe. In any other circumstance, Clint would've tried to sever this growing... attachment. Yet, that wasn't an option when Percy was so wary of him.

Percy nodded. "That is good," another pause, "is your friend alright?"Clint smiled at the thinly veiled concern and answered. "Yes, Nat is fine. She is currently being rather secretive about what happened, though..."

At that, Percy looked up sharply, his eyes flashing with panic and confusion. Clint, sensing that Percy might bolt, jumped to say, "but no one would dare question her on it and Nat is big on respecting peoples' right to privacy." It didn't relieve all Percy's tension, but did help.

There was another long break in which Clint watched Percy eat as if he hadn't seen food in days."Do," there was a pause and Clint's stomach dropped as he realised what the question would be. "Do they still think I'm a terrorist?"

The question hung heavy in the air between them and Clint's wince said it all. Percy knew he hadn't always respected the law to the best of him ability but it had been necessary at the time. The idea that someone believed he was capable of such awful things was hard to think about. He'd given his childhood to save this country and it felt like a betrayal that they could turn around and accuse him of terrorism.

Percy looked up at Clint, waiting for the platitude riddled answer he knew was coming."Not everyone." Clint tried his best not to make it sound bad, but didn't have the heart to lie. "Officially, you're listed as a Person Of Interest, but it would be very hard for you to leave the country. The team is split on it. Some, Tony and a few others, don't think you're a terrorist but are demanding we bring you in for questioning. The rest, Bucky, Nat, Bruce and I, don't know who you are or what's going on, but don't think it's justifiable to threaten or incarcerate you."

Percy sat back in his seat and blew out a long sigh. Then he laughed bitterly. "This is so fucking ironic. Count the Avengers to pull shit like this. You want to know what really fucking hurts? When it all started to happen I went through it all hoping I could do it as well as Iron Man could. Then I grew up. And now this. Fucking Hades."

Percy was laughing, cruelly and with evident pain, but it was only to avoid crying.

Clint wasn't sure how much to take offence to and how much to be worried about. What the fuck was this kid talking about?

Percy started cleaning the table, stacking the plates and putting back the condiments. "Look, you've gotten me breakfast now and I while I appreciate that, I'm not going back with you. Please stop breaking into sacred graveyards and tell Prince Loki and Bucky that I said hi."

With that Percy tried to walk away but Clint wasn't ready to give up. "I know you don't trust us, and that's fair. The government is getting shifty about Loki. He was only ever at the tower as a temporary measure and it won't be long until their plans for him are ready. I hate the guy, but most government plans for enhanced beings are nightmare inducing. As government operatives, we can't do anything. If, say, Loki had cursed a civilian to feel his pain for him before his capture then it'd keep them away from him for at least another few months. They couldn't touch him while there was a civilian life at risk."

It was a shit idea, but it was the best he could think of. Clint knew Percy liked Loki and he was clearly protective of him. Who's to say he wouldn't put up with the tower for him.

As it was, Percy had paused. He turned the argument over in his head and immediately found a glaring flaw. "You forget that I'm not a civilian, I'm a potential terrorist suspect." The words were ground out and clearly weren't easy to say.

"Right now you're only a person of interest in the government's eyes. My boss is the only one who used the word terrorism."

Percy knew he had to say yes. He knew it and he hated it.

"It want a room on without cameras or locks. Nothing that will spy on me. Especially not your weird IA thingy."



So... it's been a while? To be honest I'd forgotten that writing was this fun but with all your wonderful support I decided to make use of my 3am. Enjoy!

Percy Jackson, the Seriously Attractive Snake, and the Ex-Winter SoldierWhere stories live. Discover now