👑 02 : Family Reunion 👑

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Therionne was not sure whether he should really go or not.

First, he was actually excited to go. But after thinking about it long enough, he just doesn't feel right.

Since he didn't know whose child he is, he might be killed by Claude if he's not the son or might get killed by Anastacius if he was really meant to be thrown away in the first place.

Or what if, he was the son of the late king?

Impossible. He's thirteen, he'll be fourteen soon and the debutante for the princess is just around the corner. The king has long died and only these two are the only possible fathers.

The boy shrugged.

He was checking his reflection on the lake as he wore the garments that were given to him by the fairy governor. It was a white suit embedded with emeralds and embroidered intricately with vine-like designs on each end of the suit. It was a long waistcoat that reached the back of his knee, a white buttoned shirt in a white cravat, white pants, and boots.

His clothes were mixed with white and green overall.

Atop the waistcoat, he had a sash on with the same colors as the governor fairy and the ten other envoys. The lions also had it on their necks as proof of their participation as envoys.

On the day of departure, Therionne had to ride on the carriage surrounded by his siblings who were walking side by side with it. Since the journey will be a bit long. At least a month of carriage ride before they can reach the borders of Obelia.

While on the ride, the fairy governor, Millard began to teach him what to do and not to do. He didn't mention any etiquette to follow since it is not in their custom to do that much. They live freely on instincts, after all.

During the days of travel, in every different town, screams of terror could be heard.

Therionne could only shake his head as the Lions intimidated every single human being to faint.

After those painstaking months of trial and error, Therionne, the self-taught mage, was able to create an illusion that can make them less intimidating, such as bubbles and they were also given some cloth to their backs with the insignia of the magic forest. In this way, everyone will understand that they are envoys and not some barbaric savage who lets beasts attack people.

It was evening by then.

The fairy governor fixed Therionne's attire and his hair. He gelled it to the back of the boy's head noticing a mole that stood out on the boy's chin. The jeweled blue eyes looked out of the window with a rather distant gaze making his entirety even more mature than how he was supposed to look.

"We're here." The governor said.

Therionne blinked and turned his head to him before nodding. The carriage door opened right in front of the castle hall where the current debutante was being held.

"It's a debutante." Therionne started.

"It is," Millard replied, fixing his glasses.

"Did we bring any gift for the princess?" He asked.

"Of course. The Fairy king instructed us to give a gift. This is a peace treaty, after all."

"Great. Let's go in then." He looked at his older lion brother and sister Shiva and Nettie. The lions rubbed their heads to his cheeks making him chuckle at the adult lions' behavior.

"I was told to watch over you. The Fairy king told me to see to it that you won't suffer because of your illness. You should rest properly after this greeting." Millard instructed.

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