👑 03 : Fantasia's Precious 👑

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The debutante ended peacefully and successfully. As much as everyone are intrigued with the new face that resembled the royal brother both the previous and the new emperor, everyone couldn't help but spout different kind of speculations and nonsense in a hush.

But all concluded Therionne being an illegitimate son of Claude despite his strong resemblance to Anastacius and unnoticeable but partly... of Penelope's feminine features.

All things happened like that without Therionne's knowledge. He only leisurely enjoyed the comfort of Obelia's bed and slept through the evening.

Meanwhile, Athanasia didn't know whether to panic or not.

She sat by the couch eating sweets while the magician sat in front of her lazily.

"So, a sudden royal son came and the palace was in an uproar?" Lucas summarized Athanasia's recollection of yesterday's event.

She nodded. "No one know who's son he is." She explained.

"Did he say something about looking for his parents?" Lucas asked.

Athanasia thought back. Therionne didn't seem shock when he was face to face with them nor did he show any bad blood towards her or her father. The boy only smiled and answered queries before leaving, like he didn't even care. "Well, he didn't... he only said he is part of the lion family."

Lucas munched on his cookies as well. "The lions, huh."

"Yeah. And those lions were so big, I thought it's gonna kill me." She sighed.

"Let's check him out." Lucas suddenly said.

Athanasia was surprised. "Hey wait--"

But it was too late. Lucas and Athy disappeared into the room and they were suddenly hidden behind a bush. In front of them was a wide space. The courtyard of Zircon palace where foreign royal visitors are usually placed.

Four lions are rolling around playing with each other while two lions lay lazily. Therionne was there as well, laying atop the male lion's body as cushion while he slept.

His hair was down now and it surprised Athanasia how much he resembled Claude. "Is he really dad's illegitimate son?" She asked.

"Are you afraid that he'll become the heir?" Lucas asked.

"Huh? Why would I be?" The girl looked at the boy who was leisurely sleeping in the cloak of the sun. Jeanette didn't reveal herself, but a new kid came.

"Ther. Ther." From a distance, a man with a neatly tied long green hair and glasses started walking towards the crowd of lions. From Athanasia's memory, this person was the fairy governor. "Ther, stop lazing around and eat your breakfast already." The man sighed.

"But Millard, the sun feels nice."

"The sun will not feed you. You think you're a plant who can survive just basking?" The fairy governor fixed his glasses. He watched the boy whose eyes are still closed under the sun. He looked ethereal that he shone bright like a little god sleeping in the heavens. But Millard knew more than just remaining daze as he poke the boy's forehead. "The Fairy King's order. Ther should stay healthy through the duration of our stay in Obelia. You're already so thin."

"I'm not thin." Therionne complained.

"You are. Now eat."

The boy grumbled as he sat up from Shiva's comfort lazily. "Fine..."

"After this drink your medicine."


"And go on a short walk."

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