💕twenty six💕

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Listening attentively to all the advice coming out from my mother's mouth i take each an every word to heart, I am wrong and it's best if i agreed to that.

"Yanzu ka tashi kaje ka sami babban ka, he's having his breakfast in the bedroom, he's really upset with you so anything he say just admit to your fault and tell him you are sorry." Hajiya jidderh say to her son and he node.

She knows how stubborn her son can be, even she is upset with him, hiding something big like that from her but he need to settle his difference with his dad if he really want this marriage to happened.

"Mummy kinche bazaya mun fada ba?" Huzaif say like a little boy making his mum to chuckle.

"No huzaif,
He won't quarrel you but you should apologize, your dad loves you, he's just angry with the wring decisions you are making this days." Hajiya jidderh say encouraging her son who sluggishly stand up from the bed.

"I hope you will grow up after this marriage,
wannan irin shagwaban naka yazakayi in kayi auren." Hajiya jidderh say and help huzaif up making him to smile.

"Put on something to cover that hair,
And remove the sleeping shoes ." she say tiredly and grab one of the beanies from the bed and put it on her son head.

"Remove the sleeping shoes huzaif haba." She say grabbing his leg and begin removing the black sleeping shoes as she grumble about his infantile behaviors.

Huzaif put on one of the flip flops and trail behind his mum whining about how tired and scared he is to meet his dad.

Adding the honey to the back coffee alhaji shake his head trying to get rid of his son thoughts, he never understand why his son choose to do things without anyone's concert, he won't blame his wife because he knows very well they all contributed to over pampering, alhaji Ahmad knows he would be lieing to himself if he isn't happy about the marriage proposal when farhana's dad say the news to him, he's just upset with the whole situation considering the fact that his son was the reason behind getting the innocent girl kicked out of the school, he knows for a successful marriage everything have to be built on trust so no matter what he will just have to explain things to farhana's grandfather if he choose to cancel the marriage proposal after that then good he will blame his son but he can't stare into the old man face lieing to him and acting as if his son is a saint, the bedroom door open and the familiar voice mutter some salam before entering and closing the door shut.

"Aabbah I'm sorry." Huzaif say sitting feets away on the carpeted floor from where his father is eating, alhaji Ahmad look up and give his son a pitiful look before sipping his coffee.

"I just want to know something huzaifah,
Is it that you are too big to discuss this with me or I'm too small for you to respect?" Alhaji Ahmad ask and huzaif stare at his dad.

"I'm sorry dad,
It's just that......huzaif try to find an explanation but keep shut.
" kayi hakuri abbbah,I won't repeat such thing insha Allah,
I will always consult you before making any rash decision please forgive me."huzaif say and alhaji Ahmad look at his sob, they used to be soo close he wonder what happened that change everything.

"What happened to us huzaifah,
You used to confide in me before making any decision,
I care about you that's why I'm doing all this for you,
I'm your father and i will always support you no matter what,
I just want you to grow into a good person someone other people can look up to but this path you are taking it isn't the right way.*alhaji Ahmad say and huzaif feel bad for all the mischievous things he's been doing.

" I'm sorry abbah insha Allah i won't repeat those mistakes and i promised to be a better person."huzaif say and alhaji Ahmad release a heavy breathe he want to believe allm that his son is saying but he knows there's alot more to saying things than putting them to action.

Uhmmm I want you to be honest with me huzaifah,
Did you really love this girl or are you up to something?" Alhaji Ahmad ask the very question he's been curious about because he doesn't understand how his son miraculously start loving the girl after getting her kicked out of school.

"Allah abbah i love her I'm not lieing about that, i want to marry her." Huzaif say and his dad node not because he believe him but because he want to trust his son again.

Her grandfather has spoke to me and i told him if Farhana really do wants the marriage then it's fine by me and if she said no then no one is going to force her, I want you to know that this girl respect this family alot,
she not telling her family about what you did doesn't mean she's weak, she's just too good and respectful so it's not going to be a surprised if she agreed to marry you just so to pleased everyone but i want you to know that you will have to man up and tell her family what you did, that is if you want your marriage to be good because what you did is a big deal huzaif, so the choice is yours I'm not going to force you to do anything, you are old enough to know right from wrong,
If you choose to keep shut and marry her for your selfish reason then fine and if you choose to say the truth and face the consequence of your action then good." Alhaji Ahmad say and turn back to drinking his now warm coffee.

Huzaif sigh in defeat his father is right but what will happened if he tell her grandfather and the old man cancel the marriage proposal, maybe he will tell the man after the wedding.

"Thank you dad." Huzaif say and leave the bedroom wondering if saying this at this crucial time is the best opinion.

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