💕fourty five💕

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Farhana's POV!

"Don't bother coming tomorrow,
I won't be home." I say to the chef that comes home to teach me how to cook.

I don't really need her do, i think I'm capable enough to handle the kitchen, huzaif is kind enough to hire her to come home and teach me.

"It's OK ma'am
Have a goodnight." She say and i node with a smile closing the door with a sigh.

I sashy back to the kitchen to round up the cooking and arrange the dinning table, sure enough everyone was right about forgiveness, hate bring unhappiness as forgiveness bring peace, huzaif and i have taken our relationship to the next level by introducing sex into our marriage life, I was very much insecure about that but he assure me that it's OK which i agreed with him since we are happy.

"He's not yet back Mumm." The familiar voice say making me to glance at the kitchen door,
I honestly don't know what to think of this kamila of a girl but huzaif told me she's not a problem but i still think otherwise, even do we barely speak usually all that comes between us is greeting.

"Good evening." She greet and i glance at her as she slip her phone into the back pocket of her pink jogger trouser.

I thought you aren't around." I say because honestly i thought she isn't home, haven't seen her since morning.

"I was in my bedroom." She mumble opening the fridge and pick the can malt.

I didn't comment further not wanting to start a conversation, do she seem like a nice girl but i just don't want to be friends with her.

"Farhana." She call gaining my attention and i humm in response as i turn the garlic pasta into the warmer.

"I didn't hate you,
I know you don't like me because of how close I'm with your husband but.......she pause releasing a deep breathe and i turn suddenly interested in the conversation.

" I don't know if huzaif ever mention me to you before now but your husband and i had a past,
I'm not saying this because i want to ruine your marriage or take your husband away from you but i think you deserve to know the truth and I hope you understand that I'm doing this for me."she say staring at me and i node eargerly wanting to hear what the hell is going on.

"Huzaif and i did have a relationship back when he was doing his resident training, it all started like a usual friendship and then it suddenly escalated, one thing lead to the other it wasn't something I'm proud of but it did happen and when my mum find out about it........
They didn't handle it well so they forb........the kitchen door screech open interrupting us and we both look up.

" hey babe."huzaif say walking inside the kitchen, I just stare at him, i cannot even believe what she's saying,
I have been fool once again.

He kiss me on the cheek before his eyes turn to kamila.

"Kamilah ,
" za kije gida yau."he say not sparing her a glance and i just snort.

"why?" I ask i don't know which question my why is referring to but i just want answers,
Why did he lie to me?
Why didn't he just say the truth?
Why did he do what he did to me?

"Why did you lie to me?" I ask staring at him as I remove his hand from my shoulder.

"Lie about what?he ask confuse and i shake my head.

" about you,
About she, about everything. "I say as he glance at kamilah and back to me.

" don't believe whatever she says Farhana,
She's lieing she just want to ruine our marriage, she's upset because I'm happy, we are happy. "He say and i shake my head.

" upset because you are happy? "Kamilah screech staring at him.
" huzaif you are the one that ruine my life, you think I'm here because i want to ruine your life, I'm here because i want to be happy to, I'm here because i deserve to be happy, I'm here because you are the reason that everything went wrong in my life."kamilah say crying as she wipe her tears with the back of her hand.

"Everything happen because you wanted it to happened,
Stop blaming me for everything." Huzaif say with a hiss he remind me of the selfish mean lectures that got me kicked out of school.

"I did all that because i love you." She say frustrated as she turn her gaze to me and huzaif literally snort.

"We agreed to stay away from each other i don't know why you have to go and tell your mum things,
You are still a pathetic little girl." He say and Kamilah shake her head i feel really bad for her and wish i can understand what the fuck is going on.

"I was left with no choice huzaif,
Do you know how difficult it was for me and my mum,
Huzaif i was pregnant for you and my mum has to abort it because your mum was scared what your dad would do to you and you know what?
Because of you i won't have a child of my own again,
I have try huzaif, I have try many times to stop thinking about you but i cannot and then suddenly i heard you are getting married to someone else not me." She say and right now i feel my head spinning this whole thing is difficult for me to handle, it's breaking me apart all over again.

"We've agreed to stay out of each other's life, Kamilah." He say her name with a warning tune and she snort.

"But i did show up and........she pause looking at him
I'm sorry Farhana but your husband and i had a single night when i came." She say staring at him and I turn my gaze to huzaif.

"Is that so?" I ask staring at him,
I don't have a problem with whatever it is that happen between huzaif and kamila before we got married but now, I did have a big problem.

"It was a mistake and i was going to tell  you." He say and i shake my head.

I feel every bit of my heart shattering again, trust, forgiveness and second chances this three words once again prove to me they are all lies and stupid, I exit the kitchen wanting to be alone by myself to mull things over.

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