💕thirty four💕

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Huzaif's POV

For the next two days i just try to avoid Farhana, ever since i gave her the admission letter which ended up in the waste bin i decide maybe she just need some space, i will just have to resume to work next week because I'm bored of staying indoor and i wouldn't mind pulling a trigger to my skull out of boredom, yesterday farhana spend the entire day in her bedroom, maybe when i was asleep she came down but i haven't seen her since a day before yesterday, today i wake up a little grumpy than usual i went to my mum's and see her, i missed her badly do i didn't tell her the situation in my house because that's my own problem to deal with she gave me some kilishi and udara to bring to farhana, I stare at the white nylon on the dining table with a sigh,maybe i should just take it to her bedroom for her it's from my mum I'm sure she won't throw it away besides i am dieing to see her, I grab the white nylon and head upstairs.

Knocking on the bedroom door for about 5minutes and no answer i decide to take the risk and open the door, the room is pitch black i wait for my eyes to try to adjust to the surrounding and i hear a crying sniff and I quickly switch on the light.

"Farhana." I call dropping the nylon on the floor and quickly walk to where she's laying on the floor by the bed, she's hitting her head hard on the floor as she mutter incoherently to herself, I grab her up and touch her bruise forehead she's probably been hitting it for a very longtime, she's burning and she look extra pale, her mouth is dry and i stare at her worriedly.

Let me grab some medication for you." I say and drop her on the bed but she refuse to let go off me,she have a tight grip around my shirt.

"I will be right back i promise
You are having a migraine, i have some medication in my bedroom i will get it for you." I say but she grab my hand placing it in her abdomen.

"I feel like dieing it's hurting me badly and my head." She say in a whisper it's like she uses all the bit of her strength to say that.

"Do you always have this uhmmm during your period?" I ask and she node then shake her head.

"Sometimes." She whisper and i node.

Just hold on for a sec i will be right back." I say and quickly rush out of the bedroom,

I rush to my bedroom, rummage through the stuffs in my drawer trying to find any pain medication unfortunately i didn't, I frustratedly distort the three drawers and i grab the familiar injection before rushing back to the bedroom.

"I didn't get any medication but this injection will do and it's even more effectively fast." I quickly drawn the content to the syringe.

I grab her arm and gently insert the needle draining the liquid into her body and gently remove the needle and discard it.

"Sorry." I say staring at her and she was staring right back at me she didn't have that distasteful scold on her face and i feel a lot more comfortable so i slightly brush the hair from her face making her to blink her eyes and then the tears leave her eyes, i gently flick it away with my finger and i decide maybe she need some space, I adjust the blanket on her and try to stand up but she quickly grab my hand.

"Don't go please." She say in a whisper and I smile grabbing her hand.

"I want to bring something for you to eat." I say and she shake her head.

"Just stay with me don't go anywhere." She whisper and i node.

"I will stay with you forever if that's what you want." I say and she has this weak smile on her lips that makes me smile to.

"It still hurt a lot." She say in a whisper and i node.

"It will go soon,
I'm sorry i left you all alone by yourself i should have check on you earlier." I say and she was just staring at me, this whole scenario feels like a dream to me, this is the first time she shows any emotion to me i wish it can always be like this.

"Lay down with me please." She say staring at me and i hesitate for some minutes staring at her.


" please."she say when i try to protest and i quietly climb the bed and lay next to her, she snuggle next to me as if she wants to penetrate through me making me to smile she grab my hand and place it on her stomach as she releases a heavy breathe.

"I went to visit mum earlier today, she gave me kilishi and udara to bring it for you." I say and she look up at me.

"Have you eaten?" She ask and i shake my head.

"No i haven't eat the kilishi nor udara but i do ate fried rice at mum's house." I say and she node.

We just stay in silence with my hand on her stomach as she place her hand on top of mine and i gently play with her hair with my other hand,after what seems like forever her breathing become a lot more lighter i glance at her and she's asleep making me to release a heavy breathe and decide this is my cue to leave because I'm not very sure if she will be as nice as she is if she wakes up and find me next to her, sickness just bring the vulnerability of people out,
I come down from the bed and pick the kilishi nylon and drop it by the bed, I switch off the bedroom light and decide to go get some medication and maybe sanitary pads for her, i will maybe grab some food for her because i suck at cooking shits.

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Don't forget to add up my other books to enjoy more fantastic love stories by Autan-mama😁.

Love you all wujuga-wujuga.

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