💕sixty five💕

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Death they say is inevitable, the painful thing about death is no matter how much it affect you at the end life continues, several weeks after there daughter's death it's a day to Farhana's graduation, the couple have drastically each loss weight there daughter's death it's the final blow on there marriage they've both become soo distance that it break each of them every single day that they couldn't even be there for each other in time of grieving.

As usual Farhana is sitting in there daughter's bedroom crying and the door creak open, all Farhana want is her daughter back, she misses ummi so badly ummi was the single reason she is happy and now she's back to old resentment self.

"Hana." Huzaif say coming inside the baby bedroom, he's soo tired of avoiding his wife, the distance it's killing him all he want is for his wife to be back to her old self, he's also deeply affected by ummi's lost but they just have to pick there broken self and continue the bitter journey of life.

"I bought you this." Huzaif say dropping the flowers and a set of new clothes.
"You will wear them for graduati.........

" I don't want your stupid flowers or clothes, I want my baby back.
I want ummi. "Farhana cry throwing everything around the bedroom in anger as her husband try to console her but she's out of control like a hurricane, she just keep yelling and saying all type of indistinctive word that doesn't make sense.

" keep quiet!"Huzaif yell slapping her on the cheek and grab her by the arm.

"Ummi is death,
she's not coming back,
It's written and predestined all you can do is pray for her,
Be strong for her, for me please." Huzaif say straing at his wife who's crying.

"This is all your fault." Farhana say removing her husband grip from around her arm.
"It's your fault,
Why do you have bring..........

" my fault!"Huzaif screech feeling hurt.
It's my fault? It's always my fault to you hana but you know what the truth is,
it's not my fault,
It has always been yours,
You never wanted ummi in the first place so what's the drama all about now?
You were the one that wanted an abortion, isn't it what you want for her not to be in existence in the first place.
My fault."huzaif say trying to control his vulnerability but it's just too overwhelming for him to handle and he let his guard down, he cry.
"My only fault is loving you, I have love you soo much that i can't distinguished between right and wrong, I have love you regardless how much the distasteful desires you've shown toward me, my fault is loving you hana and I don't know why but i just love you because i do." Huzaif say with a sniff and wipe his tears.
"You know what your problem is?
It's that you don't care about anyone,
You have soo much hate in you than love, forgiveness is a healer farhana,
If you learn to forgive you will always be happy, if you learn to forgive you will find peace and with peace there's always love." Huzaif say and stand up.

He glance one more at his wife and leave the bedroom, he just want to be alone, Farhana is like an uncure course, her love has caused nothing but pain to him, her distasteful desires toward him is just something he believe she can never stop doing, he grab his car key from the parlour and leave the house that use to be a home.

Several hours after her husband leave Farhana come down the stairs of the quiet house, she believe Huzaif and everyone else is right about her, she has alot of anger in her , she has soo much hatred than love inside of her,
She's selfish and care about only her self.

The doorbell rings as a loud knock on the door follows and she quickly saunter to the door.

"We have to go." Huzaif elder sister say grabbing Farhana's hand.

Let me put on some clothes." Farhana say confuse she's still wearing her pajamas.

"We have to go,
Huzaif has been in an accident he's been rush to the hospital." Abla say and farhana instantly follow her.

The conversation they had earlier that afternoon just keeps on ringing in her head and she just breakdown.

"He's gonna be fine." Abla assure as she drive out of the house.

Farhana feel responsible for whatever state her husband is in, why did she have to always hurt the people that care about her, first it was ummi and now the only single person she believe genuinely care about her is in the hospital all because of her, Farhana doesn't let Abla park the car she quickly run inside the hospital premises.

"Where's my husband?
Dr huzaif." She say to one of the nurse and she point to thesame familiar ER door ummi was rushed into.

Farhana stand by the transparent window with her forehead press on the glass as she stare at the doctors trying to safe her husband life.

"Don't leave me to please." Farhana say in a whisper as the door open and she quickly follow the nurse with defibrillator machine.

pulse is dropping below 50
Respiration dropping to 11." A nurse say as Farhana stare between the excessively beeping machine and her husband who's laying lifeless on the hospital bed.

" Pulse dropping to 30,
Very low oxygen blood at 70 with
Respiration dropping to 9." A nurse read as the doctor collect the defibrillator from the nurse.

"Gel." He say as the nurse quickly put the liquid and he press the it on huzaif chest in attempt to safe him as Farhana have a tight grip around the door handle.

"No electrolyte and pulse doctor." A nurse say as the doctor continue applying pressure with the machine on her husband chest as the beeping machine suddenly stop.

"Why did you stop?
Save my husband,
Why did you all stop." Farhana yell as Abla and the nurse quickly grab her.

"He's not death,
Wake up huzaif i forgive you, I Iove you please don't leave me to,
Save my husband doctor,
How can you not save him?
Wake him please. She yell crying as the nurses try to take her out of the room.

"Calm down Farhana." Abla say but everything seems to stop moving for Farhana she feel her heart beat slowing and the voices around her drifting away as she fall on the cold hospital tiles floor.

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