💕thirty five💕

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Huzaif's POV

By the time the evening comes by Farhana is ok, she didn't give me the cold look but she wasn't nice like when she's sick this morning, I bought some medication for her and some takeaway, I'm currently in my bedroom getting ready to call it a night, it's been a long day Farhana is one those people that nag and whin a lot if they are sick,she won't stop hissing and grumble to herself it's hilarious but i didn't laugh because i don't want to upset her, once I finish putting on my pyjamas i deliberate on wether or not to go check on her before i head to bed and as the good husband i am I decide a goodnight isn't a bad idea, I exit my bedroom and walk to the the door i knock and after waiting for about two minute i creak the door open.

"What is it?" She ask looking up at the door she's sitting on the bed she have her back support with a pillow.

Just want to make sure you are OK,
I'm going to bed,
Have you take.........

" I'm fine goodnight. "She cut with a loud hiss and i press my lip together with a sigh.

" if you need anything j.......

"Just leave and close my door." She yell and i quietly exit the bedroom closing the door with a sigh.

Sure my wife have mood swings and is allergic to me, i hate to say this but i rather prefer the sick nagging and whining Farhana than this crazy, insane arrogant lady, with a sigh i enter my bedroom and decide to read a little before going to bed.

Farhana's POV

Aside the excessive migraine I'm feeling, my abdomen hurt like hell and now i have this bad flu that make my muscle ache and joints hurt like hell, I know i need to call huzaif but i don't want to, i know i should have probably thank him earlier but instead i kicked him out of the bedroom after all he did to me,
I turn around the bed as my abdomen twist making me to scream in pain, I normally have this weird period migraine and pain once in a while I can't even remember when last i had one and the stupid sickness decide to come now just so to embarrass me,
I sneeze 6 times and clean my nose with the tissue as i hit my throbbing head on the bed, I roll on the bed and eventually fall with a loud thud on the floor making me to breakdown,
I use the little strength in me to grab my phone from the bedside drawer and a sharp pain pierce through my stomach making me to fling the phone on frustration and continue hitting my throbbing head on the carpeted floor, I hear my bedroom door creak open.

"Farhana." My husband call and quickly pick me from the floor and drop me on the bed.

"Have you taken your medication before going to bed?" He ask and i node crying.

"My body is paining me, my joints and muscle are hurting me." I say crying and huzaif slightly brush my forehead.

"I'm sorry let me get some injection from my bedroom right,
I love you." He say before quickly exiting the bedroom as i continue crying, it's ironic how i childish i behave whenever I'm sick but i can't help it i just feel so restless whenever I'm sick, the bedroom door open and huzaif comes in he has three different injection and he look at me with a weak smile.

"It won't hurt i promise." He say and grab my arm making me to shut my eyes and I feel the needle Pierce into my skin and the liquid penetrating into my muscles he repeat thesame thing with the two before handing me some medication which i gladly swallow without complaining and coil back into my bed.

"Sorry." He say with his hand on my head making me to release a heavy breathe.

"I will come back to check on you....

" just stay with me please. "I say as bad as i hate him i need someone to comfort me right now and he seems pretty much the caring type.

" I.....

Just lay down with me,
Tell me i will be fine and i promise i won't be mean to you anymore." I say right now i don't care whatever it is I'm going to say to make him stay the night with me, 4sneezes escape my nose making me to breakdown by the intense pain around my body.

"It's OK.
Just go to bed, let's just lay down close your eyes think about anything and you will fall asleep." Hey say and climb the bed next to me he grab me and lay me on his chest before cover the duvet on us, I hate that this feel comfortably amazing.

We stay in comfortable silence as my mind wander around to how my life has always been soo bored, how i always wanted for someone to give me there full attention and care about me as if I'm not a burden, it's funny how you find all that in someone you don't want to even care about, forgiveness has always been my weakness i find it so difficult to forgive and that always makes me sad,
My dad always say it takes alot of courage to forgive and only strong people forgive, I guess I'm not strong and courageous to do that, I release a heavy breathe and i feel huzaif hand slightly brushing my arm.

"It's going to be fine." He say and i smile, he doesn't know what I'm thinking yet he say the right thing.

"What do you think about forgiveness?" I ask and he releases a heavy breathe.

"Forgiveness is all about letting go of the past, understanding and moving on, forgiveness is like giving a second chance to that person, I'm not saying this for you to forgive me farhana I'm saying this because if you forgive and let go you find peace believe me it's a difficult thing to do but the day you forgive someone and decide to let go you will find yourself a lot more happy, they forgiveness is the attribute of the strong, I'm not calling you weak but sometimes it just takes soo long for us to forgive." He say with a sigh and i stay quiet.

"I miss my mum." Is the only word i can find and i feel his hand brushing my arm in a comforting gesture.

"She's in a better place." He say and i node.

"You are very strong Farhana,
Life without a mother is like a man without a heart, I don't know your mum but I'm sure if she's alive today she will be very proud of you." He say and the sincerity in his voice tells me he mean every single thing he say.

"Thank you for keeping up with me." I say and i feel my eyes getting heavier,
I hear his voice far away and almost like a whisper.

"I will always wait for you." Is the last words i heard before the sleep knock me out.

I love this sickness bond i hope it should last.

Check out my other book
Precluded (our love story)

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