💕thirty eight💕

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Huzaif's POV

Coming out of the hospital room i head to my office but suddenly bump into someone.

"Yo bro i was in your office and they told me you brought your wife to the hospital, is she OK?" Ahmad ask and i just give him a bored look.

"What are you doing in my office?" I ask and continue my walk to the office as he trail behind me.

"I bring labiba to see the gynaecologist and decide to check maybe you resume work, i try your phone it's off,
Is everything OK?
Is she pregnant?" He ask wiggling his brow at me as i open the office door with a sigh.

"What is wrong with labiba?" I ask sitting tiredly on the office chair and he sigh.

"Just pregnancy stuff,
Come on tell me is your wife pregnant?" He ask wiggling his brow at me.

It's barely a month we got married she's having a serious period migraine and flu." I say and he node.

So how are things between you two?" He ask and i give him a tiring sigh.

If you will let me rest that will be better because i haven't sleep well in a while." I say and he roar into laughter making me to stare boredly at him.

"Welcome to the gang dude,
Sometimes women will drive you crazy, trust me they are the most complicated being on planet." My bestfriend say making me to sigh and node in agreement.

"Indeed they are,
I mean everything was fine we where happy and then suddenly she changes,
I don't even know what i did wrong." I say and Ahmad chuckle.

"You don't have to know what you did wrong bro all you have to do is accept that you are wrong even do you don't know your crime,
My dad always told me for a successful marriage just let your wife knows she's right in everything,
I mean it's only women that will make you the head of the house and still make all the decision in the house." Ahmad rant making me to chuckle it's as if he's now saying all that to convince himself.

Now I'm worried are you saying all this to me or you are saying it to convince yourself." I ask suddenly interested in the conversation as i stare at him making him to shake his head.

"I'm going crazy bro,
Labiba, the pregnancy the house and marriage everything is making me loss my mind,
I haven't gone to work for 2weeks,
I cook,do all the chores and can't complain because I'm scared my wife is going to yell at me and tell me how wicked i am for getting her pregnant." He yell in frustration making me to laugh, i feel as do my own case is slightly better.

"All labiba do this days is eat, sleep and i massage her leg as she go through her social media pages,
I'm going crazy bro." Ahmad say and I sigh.

"You need to calm down,
Can't you get her a maid?" I ask as i dial the intercom.

We hired 6 maids within two weeks,
I'm telling you bro I'm losing my mind." He say as the door open and the nurse comes in.

"Two coffee please and let me know if my wife is awake." I say and she node exiting the office.

"Everything is going to be fine eventually." I say and he snort.

"It's going to get worst,
Kids is another branch of problem in marriage,
I can't remember when last we had sex the moment i touch her she say the baby doesn't want, I mean come on the baby doesn't want what?
I am soo exhausted bro." My bestfriend say and from the look on his face he's literally stress.

"Why don't you just lie and tell her you are going for a work seminar so you can go rest,because i think you will go crazy if you continue like this." I suggest as the nurse comes in with the two coffee and drop it on the table.

"I can't,
Nothing is gonna change even do i leave i will just figure out a permanent solution." He say as the door to my office open.

"Your wife is awake sir." The nurse say and we both stand up.

"Let me go check if labiba is done,
I will meet you up at the room." Ahmad say and we both go our seprate ways.

Creaking the door handle, i sit in the edge of the bed and watch the nurse administering her injections, she grab my hand and i brush my thumb on her in a reassuring gesture.

"I will be back in 4hours to give you the next dose." She say and i node at her to leave.

"Hey." I say quickly sitting in the chair in front of the bed as she stare at me.

"You will be fine,
You black out." I say and she node as i place my hand on her forehead.

"What time is it?" She ask her voice is barely a whisper i look up at the wall clock and sigh.

What do you want to eat?" I ask and she shake her head.

"I want to go home." She say and i sigh.

"We will go home soon,
You need to rest now." I say as the door creak open and my bestfriend and his wife walk in, he have her handbag with him as he just stare literally bored of everything making me to chuckle.

"What's funny?
Your wife is sick and you are laughing.
Wlh Ku maza duk halin naku iri daya ne." She say making me to frown as her husband node at me with a raise brow he has this look that says my wife is crazy and i just stare at the large bump.

"How is my god daughter labiba?" I ask  as she hiss.

"Stand up let me sit.
Bana son yawan surutu Mara amfani." She say clearly irritated making me to frown.

"I just ask I'm trying to be nice here." I say standing up as she slightly push me and sit on the chair making me to look at her confuse.

"Don't comment let's just leave." Her husband whisper and i give him a confuse look.

"Where are you going with my handbag?
You didn't even greet the sick Patient." Labiba say and collect her bag from her husband making me to quietly exit the bedroom.

If this is how pregnancy makes women grumpy then sure I'm not ready to deal with that.

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