💕fifty seven💕

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"We will bring the baby back soon we just need to run an ECG." The nurse say and Farhana hand the baby to her, she watch until the door is shut close and she quietly turn her gaze to the window.

If anything happens to her baby she's going to blame herself, it's two days since she's given birth she had a severe postpartum hemorrhage few minutes after delivery, it's miracle she's still alive because she loses plenty of blood, the doctors hold her for observation and today farhana notice how pale her baby skin is getting, she's sweating excessively and has a slight oedema the doctor do some examination and say something about birth defect but they need to run some test to be sure,
Huzaif was right about her she's a selfish person and she doesn't think rational before doing things.

"She's going to be fine." Huzaif say grabbing her by the hand and sit on the edge of the bed.

"She will not,
You heard what the doctor said,
This is all my fault,
Everyone was right about me,
I'm selfish and.......why does she have to pay for my mistakes." Farhana say breaking down as huzaif frown.

As bad as he want to blame his wife for whatever it is that is going to be diagnosed with there daughter, he still feel sorry and also responsible, everything was fine until he run into the arm of another lady.

"Stop crying please,
It's going to be fine." Huzaif say slightly hugging his wife to his chest,
It's the first conversation they've had since forever and he's very glad farhana has let him be by her side through this, the hospital door open and his elder sister comes in.

His mum and farhana's family members left a while ago, there's always someone coming and going out to visit, Farhana barely rest it's upsetting him but cannot complain.

"What happen?
Where's the baby?" Abla ask dropping the food bag and sit on the edge of the bed.

"They took her to run an emergency test." Huzaif say as Farhana come out of his embrace, she wipe her tears with a sigh making her husband elder sister to frown.

"She will be fine Farhana,
Come on stop crying." Abla say slightly soothing her on the back.

Farhana knows they all know she's responsible, whatever happen to this baby everyone will blame her they will all just pretend it's OK but deep inside she knows they are all going to blame her.

"I will be right back." Huzaif say and quietly exit the hospital room.

He walk to the open balcony behind the hospital and facepalm with a sigh,
Life can never be easy,
it's always one problem or the other heart defect in newborn can be fatal sometimes, the thought of his tiny little girl undergoing a heart surgery at this early stage of life is something he doesn't want to even think about.

Huzaif quietly saunter back to the hospital room and the baby was brought back making him to sigh as he stare at the little baby girl.

"The nurse say the doctor will want to see you." Abla say,huzaif instantly stand up and exit the hospital room, he take the left turn that leads to the pediatric doctor office and slightly knock opening the door at once.

"Hey doctor." Huzaif say exchanging a handshake with the elderly man,
Dr rashid has been working here since he can remember he's one of the best so huzaif is confident whatever it is that he will say to him he will work with it.

"How is your new work place?" The old man ask as he flip the file open and huzaif humm in response not interested in conversation, he just want to hear the result.

"Your baby have a congenital birth defect like i told you earlier,
She's having what we call "Atrioventricular canal defect" you will probably have a slight knowledge about it even do that's not your field."the elderly man say as huzaif just stare at him, he feel every piece of his heart shattering into pieces.

"The good news is we detect it early so we can start the treatment quickly,
Few surgeries are require you know that and alot more, we will be monitoring your baby for now as we prepare her for the surgery." The old man say and huzaif node.

He go on and explain more about the disease, huzaif is just sitting but his mind is far away, he do know about
Atrioventricular canal defect he's once pick interest in an article he came across and personally study about it,
After what seems like forever to him the old man let him leave the office.

"What did the doctor say?" Abla ask her brother as huzaif slightly glance at his wife who's sleeping on the bed.

With a tiring sigh he sit on the edge of bed and glance at Farhana again he's angry at her she should have listen to him and do the right thing during the pregnancy.

"The baby have a congenital heart defect, "Atrioventricular canal defect"precisely." He say and his sister node.

"In English please." Abla say and huzaif facepalm glancing at the baby.

"It's a problem that affect the centre of the heart, the baby have like some kind of hole in the heart and a problem with the control of blow flow to her heart, the baby will need surgery to close the hole in the heart and reconstruct her valves." He explain as his sister stare worriedly at him.

"She will be fine insha.......

" this is all farhana's fault , she was soo stubborn to listen look what the result is now, this baby have to pay for som.......

"Don't say that.
I don't want to ever hear you say that ever, again.
It's nobody's fault and the baby will be fine, everything is destine Farhana made a mistake and even do she didn't do all of that if the Almighty say this baby will have this problem she will,
don't be an idiot." His sister scold at him.

"I don't want to blame her but she should have done the right thing,
This is not fair for any of us, for the baby, for me or even she Farhana.
I.........huzaif try saying but keep quiet if he continue speaking he will breakdown.

" it's going to be fine."his sister say reassuringly as he node, quietly excusing himself and exit the hospital room.

Farhana just stare at the white wall she wasn't sleeping, she just needed time to think and whatever huzaif said was right about her,
she's a bad mother, she causes whatever misfortunate going on in her life, she's unforgiven and that always bring nothing rather than pain and regrets.

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