Chapter 2: Class D

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Entrance ceremony, it gives the new students to think about the school life they want to take, it was supposed to be a welcoming for new students.

Then why? , why is the chairman torturing us with his speech? , its already 20 minutes and lots of students are about to fall asleep but the chairman continued delivering his speech.

I think he already noticed that but still he is smiling throughout his speech, is he a sadist? or he just wanted to finish his speech.

I research about entrance ceremonies  before coming to this school  but there were always something that pop ups whenever i click a website it was really irritating, especiall when you want to close them but the (x) button is too small and i accidentally clicked it.

from what i remembered it says ' see my pu**y click here'

I ask Matsuo-san about it and he said it was just a scam and to forget about what i just saw and said that it was his fault for not expecting that, i think he did something on my computer since the next day i didn't saw anything like that.


Finally the speech was done and we went to each of our respective classrooms.


When i went inside it is almost half full or is it half empty?

The class were a bit noisy like what i expected, from what i learned i should introduce myself to other people on the first day since most of the students will form groups on day 1.

Now what should i do? I came here so i can find the answer to the question if genuine people truly exist and i also wanted to enjoy freedom for 3 years,

Sigh i think i'll just go with the flow

I went to find my seat and it was placed at the front. Ugh. Seat no 5.

Kushida is already popular with our classmates, i could only applaud at her skills on communicating.

Seem's like i also have to find a group or something, if i don't wanted to be branded as a gloomy, or loner.

I then saw someone sit beside me.She has a light brown hair and brown-violet gradient eye color.

"H-hi" she said a bit uncomfortable it seems like i stared a bit longer than necessary. She must be creeped out of me and that's a bad thing.

"Ah,sorry i was just mesmerized by your beauty uhmm..." i said as i extend my hands for a handshake

"Hitting on a lady first day in the morning as expected of..." i was asking her first didn't i? (sigh)

" Ayanokoji Kiyotaka" i answered.

"Right! nice to meet you Koji-kun"she said as she shake my hands.

"No you might have heard it wrong it's Ayanokoji K-"

"Koji-kun" is she doing this on purpose?


"Koji-kun!" she said. I'll let this slide since it would be more troublesome since her voice got a bit loud as it gather the other's attention.

A troublesome woman i see

"Did you think of something rude to me Koji-kun?"

"No, i was just curious on what your name is.. "

"Aaah! right, my name is Mori Nene nice to meet you" she said still not letting go of the handshake.

There's definitely something wrong with this girl.

"Nice to meet you too, Mori Neko-san"  i decided to mess with her too.

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