Chapter 10: Different Morning

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It was the next day, waking up like usual but i felt that today was different. It was an unpleasant morning.

I brush my fingers to my lips as i recall what happened yesterday,

i kissed her.

I kissed Suzuki Shizuku.

Some might think that i was lucky to kiss such a good looking person, however it wasn't pleasant for me, not one bit, i hated every moment of it that i put my everything to stop me from hitting her and went with the flow.

I suspect that she knows it too, that i was only forcing myself to her, but nonetheless she proceeds forcing herself into me.

If she was hoping for that kind of ending, where my heart would ended up getting manipulated, then sorry to disappoint you, unlike before i don't have a heart to be manipulated anymore.

If she was hoping for a good ending, then i would gladly destroy it.

I went to the toilet and stare at the mirror on the wall. I notice a dark red mark on my skin, specifically my neck.

Sighing, i went to the kitchen and prepare a meal, i don't really have a way to deal with it right now, i could just cover that part with my skin using a band aid i think

Seeing it makes me clench my fist, just the thought of my skin having a mark from her wasn't the very nice sight to see in the morning.

I went to the gym much earlier than usual and do my usual exercise,as i saw some of familiar faces.

I went back at my dorm before i saw Horikita-senpai at the gym. I decided to take a bath first and cook my breakfast later.


I received a message from my phone after finishing my bath and put on a towel first to check it.

[Good morning Kiyotaka!!❤️💜❤️💜]

It was from her, i could still remember her voice how she greeted me every morning back then, i planned to go with the flow for now.

[Good morning Shizuku.]

[Do you already had breakfast?]

[I was just about to cook.]

The doorbell rang after i send it, i was sure i never invited anyone to my dorm early in the morning and i was in the teacher's dorm, so there were almost none who knows where i stayed at.

I decided to check and open the door, even if it was a surprise attack, i could easily deal with an intruder even when i am just wearing a towel.


It was Suzuki who was on my doorstep, carrying a pot of some sorts with a kitchen mitten , there were steam coming out from the slightly open lid. It wasn't a surprised to me that she was able to track where i live.

I could see she was staring at my half naked body with an intense stare before snapping out.

"Shizuku? " i started calling her by her first name now.

"Ahh!.. I made you breakfast!" she said with a bright smile, as i look at the pot that has a clear cover it was well presentable at the very least, the aroma of the dish could give you the feeling that it will taste great.

However, no matter how beautiful the appearance of something, you should always look at the inside, you might find that it was just the appearance that was good, the insides were rotten, full of poison, malice.

"Let's eat together." she said as she barge into my room and she removes her shoes in the doorway.

Sighing, i went to my room to put on some clothes and i saw her setting up the table, she made me seat while waiting for her to finished setting up.

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